Taliban Do Not Allow Food, Fuel To Enter Andab Valley: Amrullah Saleh – News2IN

Taliban Do Not Allow Food, Fuel To Enter Andab Valley: Amrullah Saleh

Taliban Do Not Allow Food, Fuel To Enter Andab Valley: Amrullah Saleh
Written by news2in

KABUL: Afghanistan’s “acting” president, Amrullah Saleh has highlighted the terrible “humanitarian situation” in Andab Valley from North Baghlan Province and accused the Taliban committing human rights violations in the region.
This happens when clashes are reported between the Taliban and the power of resistance in the Andabar region.
Taliban troops were reported to face the challenges of the local resistance forces in the Panjshir valley led by Ahmad Massoud, the son of the famous anti-Taliban figure Ahmad Shah Massoud.
“Talib does not allow food and fuel into Andabar Valley.
The humanitarian situation is terrible.
Thousands of women and children have fled to the mountains.
Since the last two days Talibs kidnapped children and elderly and used it as a shield to move.
Or do it Home search, “Saleh tweeted.
The day before, Saleh had warned the Taliban to avoid entering Panjshir.
“Talib has grown troops near the entrance of Panjshir a day after they were trapped in the region zone of the Andab Valley and barely out in one piece.
Meanwhile, the Salang highway was closed by resistance strength.” There is a field avoided ‘.
See you, “Saleh tweeted on Sunday.
The United Nations Humanitarian Agent, Meanwhile, the warning that they cannot bring emergency supplies that are needed to Afghanistan, and call for” Airbridge Humaniters “that will be immediately regulated, to allow delivery of non-drugs Calculated and other assistance supplies to the country.
Richard Brennan, WHO Regional Director, explained that the agency could not carry around 500 tons of medical supplies, scheduled to be sent this week, to the country.
In the past week, who has distributed medical trauma and kits from Supply in the hospital in Kabul, Kunduz and Helmand Province to support health services for tens of thousands of people in need.
However, the inventory is reduced and they need to be recharged, the United Nations reported.
The main focus has become an evacuation of foreigners and people Afghanistan is vulnerable but agents show that “great humanitarian needs An faced by the majority of the population should not – and cannot – ignored “.

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