Taliban holders Americans, the top of the Republic – News2IN

Taliban holders Americans, the top of the Republic

Taliban holders Americans, the top of the Republic
Written by news2in

The top of the Republican Party on the home affairs committee said several Americans who had tried to get out of Afghanistan since the remaining US military was sitting on a plane at the airport ready to leave but the Taliban did not let them take off.
Michael McCaul from Texas said there were six aircraft at Mazar-e-Sharif Airport with American citizens, along with their Afghan translators, and the Taliban “holding their hostages ” now.
A worker in the E-Sharif airport confirmed several aircraft believed to be rented by the US parked at the airport.
The Taliban has prevented them from leaving, saying they want to check the documents on the ship, many of them do not have a passport or a visa.
The airport official does not want to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject.
McCaul, talking About “Fox News Sunday,” said the Taliban had demanded.
He did not give specifics but said he was worried, “they will demand more and more, whether it is cash or legitimacy as the Afghan government.
‘” He said the plane was at the airport for the “last few days.

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