Taliban immediately announced the formation of a new government in Afghanistan – News2IN

Taliban immediately announced the formation of a new government in Afghanistan

Taliban immediately announced the formation of a new government in Afghanistan
Written by news2in

KABUL: A week after winning Kabul’s control, the Taliban on Sunday said that it would soon announce the formation of new governments in Afghanistan because countries continue to evacuate their citizens of efforts to secure their people.
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that talks about the formation of new governments with Afghan political leaders were underway and that the new government would be announced in the near future, reporting Tolo news.
“Our political officials met with leaders here in Kabul, their views are important, the discussion moves, God willing, there is hope for the announcement on the government immediately,” said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for Taliban.
Previously, the Taliban Co-Founder and Deputy Leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar arrived in Kabul on Saturday to start formal discussions with Afghan political leaders in establishing a government, a senior group leader, who had taken control of Afghan said.
Taliban on Saturday met a number of politicians including former President Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah, Head of the High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR).
This discussion is focused on the overall political situation including the formation of inclusive government, reporting Tolo news.
Abdullah Abdullah, at the Facebook post, confirmed a meeting with Taliban leaders, said that the discussion was focused on the political process and the formation of inclusive government.
However, some Afghan political leaders criticized the way the conversation occurred, saying that the political process must be inclusive, reporting Tolo news.
“I don’t see this game as a good thing because it looks like an individual game, everyone tries to promote himself and does not show respect for the Afghanistan,” said Sayed Eshaq Gailani, Head of Nahzat-e-Hambastagi Party Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, Atta Mohammad Noor, former Governor of Balkh, said that the next government would not be accepted if it was not inclusive, reporting Tolo news.
“The war is not over, we have a long way to go, we will test them (Taliban), we will appear again …
good to finish it through government or inclusive war,” said Noor.
The world observes ongoing situations in Afghanistan when countries have rushed to evacuate their citizens from Afghanistan in an effort to secure their people.
Afghanistan witnessed his worst crisis in decades because the Taliban control had forced people to escape from the nation to eat their cruelty.
Afghanistan has flocked to Kabul airport to escape from the Taliban.
Terrorists on the streets of Kabul are reported to prevent people from entering the airport using strength.
The situation continued to deteriorate at the airport and around the perimeter, which was under the control of the Taliban.
When the Taliban received power in 1996, they began to carry out savage acts, violence, violate human rights and suppress women and acted like a terror group in the region on behalf of Islamic law.
They are only recognized by Pakistan, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

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