Taliban Kill 20 Civilians in Panjshir: Report – News2IN

Taliban Kill 20 Civilians in Panjshir: Report

Taliban Kill 20 Civilians in Panjshir: Report
Written by news2in

New Delhi: At least 20 civilians have been killed by Panjshir Valley Taliban Afghanistan, who have seen battle between guerrillas and opposition strength, the BBC reported.
Communication has been cut in the valley, making difficult reporting, but the BBC has evidence of the murder of the Taliban despite the promise of restraint.
Records from the edge of the dusty road in Panjshir showed a man wearing military equipment surrounded by Taliban fighters.
Ring shot out and he slumped to the ground.
It is not clear whether the man was killed by a member of the army, a common combat uniform in the region.
In the video an observer insisted he was a civilian, said the report.
The BBC has built at least 20 deaths in Panjshir.
One of the victims was the shopkeeper and his father called Abdul Sami.
Local sources said the man would not escape when the Taliban advanced, told them: “I am only a poor shop owner and has nothing to do with war.” But he was arrested, accused of selling SIM cards to fight fighters.
A few days later his body was thrown near his house.
Witnesses who saw his body said it showed signs of torment.
When the Taliban swept power last month, only the Panjshir valley survived.
Panjshir has long been a focal point for resistance in Afghanistan.
Under the late opposition commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the region deactivated the Soviet and Taliban forces.
The mountain peak surrounds the valley so that someone is difficult to catch him.
Records from the ground show a busy busy market.
People have tried to escape, with a long queue of vehicles formed below the peak craggy crazy.
There is a warning lack of food and medicine.

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