Taliban Link to Drug Mutics from Africa Arrested in Hyd? – News2IN

Taliban Link to Drug Mutics from Africa Arrested in Hyd?

Taliban Link to Drug Mutics from Africa Arrested in Hyd?
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: The Taliban away to solve drugs to the west through Hyderabad and other Indian cities have emerged in the government by the Directorate of Income Intelligence (DRI).
Heroin consignments are often arrested at the airport in recent weeks, with three cases in Hyderabad.
It was alleged that the heroin came from Afghanistan and destined for Australia and other Western countries through Mozambique, Johannesburg, Doha, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and New Delhi.
In the three cases booked in Hyderabad, the mood of African countries traveled from Johannesburg.
“High-quality heroin, a Taliban-controlled Afghan trademark, is smuggled into Mozambique.
From there, this goes to Johannesburg, Doha and then to Indian cities, and is destined to Australia and other countries.
They (smugglers) avoiding South Africans and use other African citizens to avoid agents in Johannesburg.
While the Taliban is the source, the operation is carried out by the African drug cartel.
What is captured at the airport can be the top of the iceberg.
The port is a real concern, “said a senior official DRI Tii.
Further officials added: “Drug Trading uses rotating routes to reach Australia, the US and Europe from Afghanistan.
The drug consignment reaches the southwest coast of Pakistan from Afghanistan and taken to small ships to Mozambique Beach.
It is impossible to detect movement This ship uses a satellite image.
From Mozambique it finally reaches Johannesburg via road.
“In the last case in Hyderabad, on July 19, a Zambia was arrested at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) with 3.2 kg of Heroin worth Rs 21 Crore.
On June 21, Dri confiscated 3 kg of Heroin worth Rs 19.5 Crore from the passenger of the Tanzania men who arrived from Johannesburg through Doha.
On June 6, 12 kg of Heroin worth RS 78 Crore was confiscated at the airport of two female passengers from Uganda and Zambia, who were also traveling from Johannesburg through Doha.
“When consigning moves, counterfeiting occurs with mixed powder and lactose.
It is very difficult to find it in scanning due to wrapped in a black cover.
The only thing profiled.
African passengers traveling from Johannesburg by Qatar Airways are thought to be potential mules.
From Hyderabad, they Return through the air route to the west, “said a customs official at RGIA airport.

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