Taliban moves closer to capital after taking the city of Ghazni – News2IN

Taliban moves closer to capital after taking the city of Ghazni

Taliban moves closer to capital after taking the city of Ghazni
Written by news2in

KABUL: Taliban has taken the city of Ghazni Afghan strategically only 150 kilometers (95 miles) from Kabul, a member of the senior parliament and militants told Thursday.
The city – the 10th provincial capital fell to a guerrilla in one week – located along the main Kabul-Kandahar highway, effectively serving as the gate between the capital and militant fortress in the south.
Taliban rebels now have 10 of 34 provincial capital.
“Taliban control the main areas of the governor’s office, police headquarters and prisons,” said Nasir Ahmad Faqiri, said the Head of the Provincial Council.
Also read the key leaders of the ALSOSOME Taliban Afghanistan, the Taliban are hardline Islamic movements in Afghanistan who have fought the rebellion against the west-supported government in Kabul since being overthrown from power in 2001.
It initially drew the “Mujahidin” fighters called “Mujahidin” , with the support of the United States, Repelledhe added that the battle continued in several parts of the city but that provincial capital was mostly in the hands of the rebels.
The Taliban also confirmed capturing the city, according to a statement posted by a spokesman for a rebellion on social media.
The Afghan conflict has increased dramatically since May, when US leadership forces began the final stage of troops with ending later this month after 20 years of work.
Ghazni’s loss is likely to accumulate more pressure on this country that is already too high, needed to increase Afghan security forces which have been increasingly cut off from reinforcements through the road.
In less than a week of rebels have confiscated 10 provincial capitals and has now surrounded the largest city in the north, the traditional Mazar-i-Sharif anti-Taliban fortress.
Read Alsotalban released more than 1,000 criminals, drug traders from prison after capturing Kalimabul key: When the Taliban captured the main cities of the Afghan government, terror groups had released almost 1000 criminals, drug traders, from at least six cities, controlled the last day.
The Taliban has released more than 1,000 prisoners from prison after the recent group also raged at Heartlands Kandahar and Lashkar Gar – pro-Taliban in the south – and Herat in the West.
Wednesday night, the Taliban claimed to have flooded a very fortified prison in Kandahar, said it was “really conquered after a long siege” and that “hundreds of prisoners were released and taken for salvation”.
Taliban often target prisons to release imprisoned fighters and fill their rankings.
The loss of the prison was an unpleasant sign for the city of the two countries, which had been surrounded for weeks by the Taliban.
The city was once the Taliban fortress – whose troops joined the province named eponymus in the early 1990s – and his arrest would serve as a big tactical and psychological victory for militants.
Fast fortune when the Taliban ruled their country did not control the whole north.
This time, they seemed determined to secure it completely before turning their attention to Kabul.
In Washington, a US defense official on Wednesday quoted us intelligence said that the Taliban could isolate Kabul in 30 days and may take it in 90, following their quick profits recently.
Also read remotely when the Afghan troops face Taliban Routwashington: Afghan government forces collapsed even faster than US military leaders who may only take a few months ago when President Joe Biden ordered a full withdrawal.
But there is little appetite in the White House, the Pentagon or among America because of trying to stop the entrance “but this is not a previous conclusion,” said the official, spoke with anonymous requirements, adding that Afghan security forces could reverse.
Momentum by installing more resistance.
All gateways to Kabul, located on the plains surrounded by mountains, choked with civilians flinging violence, Western security said, added that there was a risk of Taliban fighters could be among them.
“His fear was the suicide bomber who entered the diplomatic quarter to scare, attacked, and made sure everyone went on the earliest occasion,” he said.
The Taliban, who controlled most of the Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, when it was overthrown to hide Osama bin Laden’s head after September 11, wanted to defeat the US-backed government and handle strict Islamic law.
The new generation of Afghanistan, who has been in age 2001, is worried that progress made in areas such as women’s rights and media freedom will disappear.

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