Taliban obtain ‘reasonable amount of US defense equipment: White House – News2IN

Taliban obtain ‘reasonable amount of US defense equipment: White House

Taliban obtain 'reasonable amount of US defense equipment: White House
Written by news2in

Washington: The White House acknowledged Tuesday that the Taliban had collected a large number of US military equipment after winning Afghan control after two decades of war with American forces with American troops.
Pictures and videos have shown a Taliban with firearms and vehicles used by the Pentagon forces or provided for Afghan National Security Forces, as well as Helicopters of Advanced Black UH-60 Hawk attacks and other equipment at Kandahar Airport.
“We do not have a complete, clear picture, where every article of defense material has been lost.
But of course, the fair amount has fallen into the hands of the Taliban,” the White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
“Obviously, we don’t have the feeling that they will easily submit it to us,” he said.
Sullivan said losing control of millions of dollars in military inventories for enemies is an example of “a difficult choice of a president facing …
in the final context of the 20th war.” He noted that Black Hawks had been supplied to Afghan government forces to help fight the Taliban rebellion.
But government forces surrendered to Islamic rebels quickly, and surrendered control of their large weapons and helicopters.

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