Taliban ruled out ‘obstacles’ delaying government formation – News2IN

Taliban ruled out ‘obstacles’ delaying government formation

Taliban ruled out 'obstacles' delaying government formation
Written by news2in

Islamabad: In the midst of a fierce battle between the Taliban and the National Afghanistan Front Resistance (NRF) on the control of the Panjshir Valley in northern Kabul, militant groups have said that it will soon form a country’s future government and override that the delay to make announcements was caused by “total obstacles ” on the road.
“Now we live in a fully independent Afghanistan.
The new government will be announced soon,” said Anaamullah Samangani, a member of the Taliban Cultural Commission.
Although samangani does not provide details about future government structures and features, he will be inclusive and all Afghans will see their representation in it.
Political analyst said the Taliban realized their shortcomings to run several technical ministries without technocrat support.
“Dozens of our ministry are technical and the Taliban will need experts to run and supervise,” said Sayed Eshaq Gilani, a political analyst.
With all the eyes focused on the arrangement that will come in a battered country, Afghan women have protested almost every day in Kabul and other provincial capitals calling for their right to work and put it in government.
Taliban said that women would be part of their government, but did not have a ministerial position.
On Saturday, Taliban officials spread demonstrations by dozens of women in Kabul demanded their rights.
This group targets them with tear gas and pepper spray when they try to walk from the bridge to the Presidential Palace.
The Taliban maintained that they took action because the protest was uncontrollable.
Because the Taliban took control of the country last month, the group said he would announce the new government after leaving West troops.
The last American soldier has left Kabul airport on August 30.
Last week, group members claimed to announce the government on September 3 after Friday prayers and also confirmed the settlement of preparations at the Presidential Palace Kabul.
Since the last few days, armed groups have said it will announce the government after destroying resistance in Panjshir.
In Panjshir, NRF Loyal to Ahmad Massoud, a leading local leader and son of Afghan leader Ahmed Shah Massoud, claimed on Sunday that it had been surrounded by thousands of Taliban in Khawak Pass (Panjshir) and equipment left by group fighters in the Dashte Area Weaker.
Fahim Dashti, NRF spokesman, wrote on Twitter that Panyana District had entirely emptied by the rebels.
“Nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters were killed, injured, or held on after the route out behind them closed,” said Dashti.
This information cannot be independently verified.
Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi was posted on Twitter that the group had confiscated five of the seven provincial districts.
“Mujahideen (Taliban fighters) advanced to the center of the province,” he wrote, without sharing evidence to prove his claim.
Meanwhile, General Mark Milley, US chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, has questioned whether the Taliban will be able to switch from the rebel forces to the government, saying there is a “good probability of” civil war.
“It will in turn lead to conditions that can, in fact, leading to Al-Qaeda reconstitution or the growth of Issi or a myriad of other terrorist groups,” he told Fox News.

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