Taliban said they had reclaimed three northern districts confiscated by Afghan militias – News2IN

Taliban said they had reclaimed three northern districts confiscated by Afghan militias

Taliban said they had reclaimed three northern districts confiscated by Afghan militias
Written by news2in

Taliban troops reclaimed three districts in North Afghanistan who fell to a local militia group last week, a spokesman said on Monday.
Bano District, Deh Saleh, E-H-Hest Pul in Baghlan Province was taken by local militia groups in one of the first signs of armed resilience against the Taliban since their seizures in the Capital Kabul on August 15.
On Monday, Taliban troops had cleared the district-district and was established in Badakhshan, Takhar and Andab near the Panjshir Valley, according to Spokesperson’s twitter account Zabihullah Mujahid.
The loyal forces to Ahmad Massoud, son of the Anti-Soviet Mujahidin Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, has established himself in the Panjshir Valley, the Northwestern Mountain Region of Kabul who rejected the Taliban before 2001.
Massoud, whose troops covered the remnants of the regular army and special troop units, has called for negotiations to form an inclusive government for Afghanistan but has promised to refuse if Taliban troops try to enter the valley.
Sunday night, the Taliban alemaran information service said hundreds of fighters were heading to Panjshir but there was no direct confirmation about any battle.
Zabihullah Mujahid said the Salang Pass, on the main highway that ran from South Afghanistan north, open troops and enemies blocked in the Panjshir valley.
But his statement suggested that there was no battle for now.
“The Emirates of Islam tried to solve problems with peace,” Zabihullah said.

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