Taliban Shootout in Palace: Mullah Baradar Attacked, Punched by Khalil Haqqani – News2IN

Taliban Shootout in Palace: Mullah Baradar Attacked, Punched by Khalil Haqqani

Taliban Shootout in Palace: Mullah Baradar Attacked, Punched by Khalil Haqqani
Written by news2in

KABUL: The US man and his allies hope to be a moderate voice in the Afghan Taliban government has been ruled out after a dramatic shootout in the Presidential Palace in Kabul, according to people with knowledge of this issue.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, public face group leading peace with the US, physically attacked by a Haqqani network leader who was appointed by terrorists in early September during talks at the palace, asking, asking, asking, asking, asking, asking, asking not identified That incident.
Baradar has pushed the “inclusive” closet which includes non-Taliban and ethnic minority leaders, which will be more acceptable by the whole world, said those people.
At one point during the meeting, Khalil Ul Rahman Haqqani rose from his chair and began punching the Taliban leader.
Their guards entered the commotion and opened fire at each other, killing and injuring a number of them, said those people.
While Baradar was not injured, he had left the capital and headed to Kandahar – a group base – to speak with the highest leader Haibatullah Akhundzada, effectively the Taliban spiritual head.
The cabinet lineup released on September 7 includes no one from outside the Taliban, with around 90% spots towards ethnic pashtun from the group.
Haqqani’s family member received four positions, with Sirajuddin Haqqani – Leader of the Haqqani network which was on the list of the most sought-in FBI terrorism – becoming a minister of the country.
Baradar was crowned as one of two deputy prime ministers.
The Taliban and Haqqani groups joined throughout 2016.
People said the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency, who was in Kabul during the discussion, supported Haqqanis for Baradar, who spent about eight years in Pakistani prison before the Trump government facilitated his release to participate in peace talks.
Mullah Mullah Mohammad Hassan is known as Prime Minister instead of Baradar because he has a better relationship with Islamabad and not a threat to the Haqqani faction, they said.
The Pakistani military media office did not immediately respond to a comment request.
During the past week, Taliban members have refused reports of clashes.
Baradar appeared on a state-run television on Thursday to deny rumors that had been injured or even killed.
Baradar was not present on September 12 to welcome Qatar’s foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, and he missed the Taliban first cabinet meeting this week.
“Praise to God, I’m safe and healthy,” he said in a brief address.
“Another statement made by the media that we have internal disputes is also completely incorrect.” He dismissed speculation of his absence during the visit of the Qatar delegation, where other cabinet members included several haqqanis present.
The Gulf Country has held Baradar for several years and facilitates negotiations with State Secretary Michael Pompeo to end the most American war.
“I did not know the visit of Qatar’s foreign minister,” Baradar added.
“I traveled during the visit of Qatar’s foreign minister to Kabul, and I couldn’t shorten my trip and returned to Kabul.” Achieved by telephone, Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi said Baradar “did not rule out and we hope he will be back soon.” “There is no difference between the leaders of the Islamic Emirates,” Karimi said.
“They don’t lay eggs on the position or position of the government.” Division in the Taliban is a sign that is alarming for Western countries that have urged groups to implement more moderate policies including respect for women’s rights.
China and Pakistan suppressed the US to revoke Afghan reserves when the country faced inflation soaring and the economic crisis that rose.
The relationship between the Haqqani and Taliban factions has long been uncomfortable.
However, Anas Haqqani, a major group leader, was also taken to Twitter to deny anything.
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