Taliban Stop 140 Afghanistan Sikhs, Hindu from leaving a troubled nation – News2IN

Taliban Stop 140 Afghanistan Sikhs, Hindu from leaving a troubled nation

Written by news2in

A group of 140 members of Sikh and Hindu Afghanistan were forced to return to Gurdwara Karte Parwan Safehouse after they were prevented to take flights from Kabul Airport by the Taliban on Thursday.
Charan Singh, a Sikh Afghanistan currently lives in Moscow who has come into contact with Hinduism and Sikh Afghanistan, told TOI that because of the imposition of rigorous rules by the Taliban, the evacuation of these people became increasingly difficult.
“They have reached Kabul airport around 8am on Wednesday, but unfortunately on Thursday, around 4am, they were forced to return to Gurdwara after the Taliban began shooting and took control of one of the Kabul airport gates,” he said.
Singh said the tension between the Taliban and anti-Taliban forces grew, and those who were protected at Gurdwara were afraid of being trapped in the shootout.
“The group is scheduled to attend the function held to commemorate the Birthday of the 400th Birth of Sri Teacher Tegah Tegahadur,” said Partap Singh, President Gurdwara Sri Teacher Arjan Dev Ji in Delhi.

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