Taliban, Vie’s opposition to control Panjshir; Pakistani Spy Head Fly to Kabul – News2IN

Taliban, Vie’s opposition to control Panjshir; Pakistani Spy Head Fly to Kabul

Taliban, Vie's opposition to control Panjshir; Pakistani Spy Head Fly to Kabul
Written by news2in

Taliban and opposition forces fight on Saturday to control the Panjshir valley in the north of Kabul, the last province in Afghanistan survives against Islamic militias, according to a report.
The Taliban source said on Friday, the group had taken control of the valley, even though resistance denied it had fallen.
The Taliban has so far not issued a public declaration that they have taken the valley, who opposed their government when they last ruled in Kabul in 1996-2001.
A spokesman for the national resistance in front of Afghanistan, who was loyal opposition groups to the local leader Ahmad Massoud, said the Taliban troops reached a height of Darband on the border between the Province of Kapisa and Panjshir but was pushed back.
“The defense of the Afghan fortress cannot be solved,” said Fahim Dashty in a tweet.
A source of Taliban said the battle continued in Panjshir but progress was slowed by land mines placed on the road to the capital of Bazak and the provincial governor’s compound.
“Demining and offensives both occur at the same time,” said the source.
Not immediately possible to get confirmation of an independent event in Panjshir, which was covered by the mountains except for a narrow entrance and had survived against Soviet work and the previous Taliban government.
The celebration of the shootout echoed throughout Kabul on Friday as the report spreads Panjshir Taliban takeover, and news agencies said at least 17 people were killed and 41 were injured in the shooting.
Pakistani spy head Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed Flew to Kabul on Saturday, the source in the two capitals.
It is not clear what the agenda, but a senior official in Pakistan has said earlier on the week that Hameed, who heads the strong Inter-Services Inter-Services (content) agency, can help the Taliban rearrange the Afghan military.
Washington accused Pakistan and the contents of the Taliban in the battle of two decades against the US-supported government in Kabul, although Islamabad denied the allegations.
After the Islamic group seized Kabul this month, analysts said the role of Pakistan in Afghanistan would be improved.
The Pakistani government has said that its influence on the movement has diminished, especially because the Taliban grew in confidence after Washington announced the date for our entirely withdrawal and other foreign troops.
The government next week the Taliban source also said the new government announcement would be pushed back to next week.
Previously, other Taliban sources said the co-founder of the Mullah Group Abdul Ghani Baradar would lead a new Afghan government to be announced soon.
Baradar will join Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob, son of the late co-founder co-founder Mullah Omar, and Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai in a senior position, three sources said.
Meanwhile, there are some signs of normality that crawl back in the Afghan capital.
Qatar’s Ambassador to Afghanistan said the technical team could reopen the Kabul airport to receive assistance, according to Al Jazeera Qatar news channel, who also quoted correspondents as domestic flights said.
The airport has been closed since the United States completed the operation on August 30 to evacuate diplomats, foreigners and Afghans who were considered at risk of the Taliban.
However, tens of thousands of people could not fly out.
Taliban’s main spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, also said that one of the main foreign exchange dealers in the capital had been reopened.
The impoverquing Afghan economy has been thrown into chaos by takeover by the Taliban.
Many banks are closed and cash in short supply.
The United Nations has said that it will hold an international aid conference in Geneva on September 13 to help prevent what the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called “towering humanitarian disaster”.
Without the help that has maintained the country for many years, the Taliban will find it difficult to prevent economic collapse.
Western forces say they are ready to engage with the Taliban and send humanitarian aid, but the formal recognition of the government and broader economic assistance will depend on the act of not only promising to maintain human rights.

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