Taliban weapons spasms humiliated Washington – News2IN

Taliban weapons spasms humiliated Washington

Taliban weapons spasms humiliated Washington
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The video of the Taliban Parade fighters in US-made armored vehicles, used firearms provided by the US and climbed on Hawk Black American helicopters after the defeat of the Afghan government forces embarrassing the White House.
Islamic rebels, which easily captured the country’s control after months of campaign, won weapons, equipment and ammunition in large amounts of the Afghan armed forces, mostly provided over the past two decades by Washington.
Social media showed Taliban fighters carrying M4 and M18 assault rifles and M24 sniper weapons, driving around in the Iconic US Humvees and, in one video, apparently wearing a US-style tactical tactical uniform.
The images underlie political attacks on President Joe Biden for accusing the handling of US registration from the country after 20 years of war.
Most of the equipment has been confiscated from Afghan forces, although two decades of training and tens of billions of dollars from the United States, recognized the capital of Kabul on weekends without fighting.
“We don’t have a complete, clear picture, where every article of the defense material has been lost.
But of course, the fair amount has fallen into the hands of the Taliban,” the White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Tuesday.
“Obviously, we don’t have the feeling that they will easily submit it to us,” he said.
Republicans won the entry to pounce on Biden.
“Thank you to the failed Bocen withdrawal, the Taliban is better equipped today than before,” said the National Chair of the Republic of Ronna McDaniel.
According to official figures, the US military entered Afghan forces with more than 7,000 engine guns, 4,700 Humve and 20,000 grenades in recent years.
Afghanistan has also received artillery and driving drones from Washington, and more than 200 aircraft, both fixed wings and helicopters.
Their sustainable operations are very dependent on US technical support and spare parts.
According to photos published Wednesday by Janes, a defense specialist, around 40 Afghan military aircraft was flown to Uzbekistan for the past week to escape the face of the Taliban, including five Black Hawk UH-60 and 16 Russian Mi-17 helicopters and 10 A-29 .
Super Tucano attacks airplanes.
In a 16-month withdrawal, the Pentagon removed the large number of his own equipment from Afghanistan, and handed it to the Afghan army.
But the hardware was supplied to Afghan forces now in the hands of the Taliban have raised concerns.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that the department was looking at this problem.
“We obviously do not want to see our equipment in their hands that will act against our interests, or the interests of the people of Afghanistan,” Kirby told reporters.
“There are many policy choices that can be made, up to and include destruction,” he said, without providing specifics.
Arms and vehicles captured only expand the strength of the Taliban in a limited way, experts said.
“The most dangerous weapon of the Taliban has been captured is the Howitzers D-30 and Afghan Air Force Assets,” said Jonathan Schroden, director of the threat of prevention and program challenges in CNA, Washington security consultation.
“It is not clear that they have the ability to use all the air platforms they have captured, but they have demonstrated the ability to use the Howitzer,” he said.
Even then, it makes them best direct threats for better gunmen.
On the other hand, a large number of small arms and ammunition they inherit, said Schroden, can “be able to find their way to various parts of the world and to various other terrorist groups.” “Maybe the best thing we can do at this time is working with neighboring Afghanistan to try and carry out transportation of one of these equipment across the country’s borders,” he said.

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