Talks maybe if China allows the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet, said Tibetan Govt-in-Exile said – News2IN

Talks maybe if China allows the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet, said Tibetan Govt-in-Exile said

Talks maybe if China allows the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet, said Tibetan Govt-in-Exile said
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Penpa Tsering, the President of the Tibetan-In-Exile government on Wednesday, implies that talks with China might be if possible the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet on a pilgrimage.
“His holiness wants to visit China and also the birthplace and the capital of Tibetan, Lhasa, whenever it might be because it depends on them, we cannot decide for the Chinese government.
Therefore we made it appeal and I believe it might have a meeting and meeting it can be Make a road map for the future resolution of the Sino-Tibetan conflict in the reciprocal agreement on the eternal solution without violence for Tibet, “said Penpa Tsering to Ani.
“We must keep our hopes of life.
Regardless of what China is thinking now or what China thinks in the past.
It is very important that we continue our involvement with China’s leadership and we will be from our side to make all efforts to reach Chinese people and governments Make our intention and position clear.
Now it’s up to the Chinese government to respond positively or leave it because it depends on how they read the situation so that in that case we make our intentions clear, “he said further.
He also told that at this time, there were no official communication channels.
“From 2002-2010, there are eight rounds of dialogue and informal talks.
The official channel of communication is not available at this time.
There is an unofficial channel through a private office or me,” said Penpa Tsering.
“So, let’s see how (dialogue) needs to be chased because the interview I gave you is also a means for them to understand what we feel and how we want to forward it.
So also the Chinese government will do it must make their intention clearly,” Add it.
He further said that China had to decide about dialogue on this problem.
“Are they serious about Tibetan problems or they are not serious about conflicts? Or do they think now that his holiness (Dalai Lama) is 86 they always try to estimate the long life of his holiness life and then think that if the holiness dies in seclusion then they can control Tibetans in Tibet.
“” …
Therefore hardline in China might think that this (Dalai Dalai Lama) can be a natural death for the causes of Tibet but unfortunately it is not a case in point …
so it’s up to the Chinese government To decide the severity of the problem and the need to resolve the Chinese Tibetan problem …
“he added.
“We all know China wanted like they did it with the old Panchen Rinpoche.
They will do the same thing with the Dalai Lama.
But the reality of the situation is that this is a pure spiritual problem, where China is a government that does it does not believe in religion or spirituality, “He said further.
Tibetan’s invasion by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1959 leads the 14th Dalai Lama along with 50,000 Tibet to escape to India and then spread throughout the world.
Tibetan Buddhism under the Chinese Communist experienced a dark phase of destroying more than 5,000 monasteries with 99.9 percent of monks and nuns.
Today in Tibet, China’s authority prepares to increase control of Tibetan Buddhism, where the monastery is prohibited from providing traditional monastery education that forms an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism.
Monks and nuns, instead, depending on “patriotic education” regularly and other political campaigns which are basically the basic principles of Tibetan Buddhism.
Political indoctrination has replaced Buddhist education at a monastery institution where monks were interested in serving the interests of the Beijing government and were forced to take part in the strict CCP guidelines.
The PKC authorities are empowered by direct supervision of management and running monasteries and Nunneries, the statement is added.
Apart from that, under the Chinese occupation, the Tibetan environment has been destroyed, resources have been mined illegally and transported and the rivers have been polluted.
Their work has led Tibetans without their basic rights and human rights situations in Tibet continue to deteriorate and worsen every year passing under the oppressive and repressive hardlerer policies of the Chinese Communist Party.

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