Talks with Health Minister Kerala Veena George was not convincing, the PG doctor to continue broke down – News2IN

Talks with Health Minister Kerala Veena George was not convincing, the PG doctor to continue broke down

Talks with Health Minister Kerala Veena George was not convincing, the PG doctor to continue broke down
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Because of the talks between Minster Health Veena George and Postgraduate Medical Students still cannot refute the inclined emergency service boycott by Medicos continuing in medical college hospitals on Tuesday.
The surgeon of the house in a medical hospital that has joined the attack on re-joining the task on Tuesday morning and therefore the functioning of the patient’s wings came out and hospitalized was not much affected.
Since medical students PG boycotted customs, the operation time of several departments was extended until evening.
Minister Veena George and representatives from the Association of Medical Postal Graduates Kerala (KMPGA) have a previous discussion on the day on the demands submitted by Medicos, including the appointment of more non-resident junior doctors and raising their allowances by 4%.
“We have a very friendly but informal discussion.
The minister listened to our demands patiently and said that he would return to us.
He said that official level talks would be held to resolve the problem,” said Dr.
Ajithra, ” President of the State Committee Association.
“We will continue the strike until our demands meet.
We hope that the minister will call us for a useful meeting immediately, “said Dr.
Ajil, Secretary of State Association.
“The leaders of the PG Association who previously discussed the same matters with the government, the Ministry of Medical Education on the Secretary of the Head, Director, Joint Director and others will take part in the meeting.
The date will be announced soon,” the Minister’s Office said in the release.
Graduate Postgraduate Medical Students have boycotted emergency services for the past five days that have reached the function of several departments at the Medical College Hospital.
Doctor Senior Medical College Association (KGMCTA) and Medical Postgraduate Government Kerala.
The teacher association has come out to support the strike called by a Junior Doctor and urged the government to hold a discussion to resolve the problem.
The government has claimed that all the demands submitted by PG doctors have been fulfilled.
Government Medical College in the state faces a severe crisis on Monday as a sustainable PG doctor attack raises various demands.
This situation is worse because home surgeons also protest solidarity.
On December 11, the government issued an order to appoint 373 non-academic junior residents in medical colleges.
However, the doctor who protested claimed that the number was not enough.
The Minister on Monday said that the interview for non-academic junior resident doctors took place in medical colleges and that the problem related to the benefits of doctors had been discussed with the Minister of Finance.
(With input from the agency)

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