Tamil Nadu Farmers to get Rs 11,500 Crore Loans – News2IN

Tamil Nadu Farmers to get Rs 11,500 Crore Loans

Tamil Nadu Farmers to get Rs 11,500 Crore Loans
Written by news2in

Chennai: Cooperative Minister Tamil Nadu I Periyasamy on Wednesday said the government had set a target to withdraw the RS 11,500 Crore loan to farmers through the cooperative bank during this fiscal.
The government also plans to increase the share of the distribution of cooperative bank loans to farmers from the current 9.5% to 22-25% in the next five years.
He replied to the former Cooperative Minister Selur claim K Raju during the debate about the grant for the Cooperative Department.
Periyasamy said the cooperative bank had a farmer’s loan share of 15-16% 10 years ago, when DMK in power.
It worsened under the AIADMK regime, he said.
Periyasamy said the cooperative community had registered 2.3 new members of the lakh after the government was assumed to be assumed.
It also distributes loans of Rs 120 Crore to new members.
He added that RS 80 Crore has been extended as a loan to farmers to take Curuvai cultivation in the Delta district.
It was more than double the number (RS 37 Crore) which was disbursed over the past year Curuvai cultivation, he said.
“CM has explained that new members must be given a loan,” he said.
He remembered how the DMK government under Mr.
Kotakanidi revived cooperative banks by releasing farmer loans with 7,000 crore rs songs.
He blamed the previous AIDMK government to build 4,000 warehouses, but did not put them to use.
The DMK government uses it to reach 5 lakh tons of rice obtained from farmers, he said.
Bearings selling Raju claim that the department has done well over the past 10 years, Periyasamy said only 10 cooperative banks centered profits.
He said 13 others suffered losses.

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