Teacher smells of Hunger Strike Stage 2 days – News2IN

Teacher smells of Hunger Strike Stage 2 days

Teacher smells of Hunger Strike Stage 2 days
Written by news2in

Bhagalpur: More than 300 teachers and scientists of Agricultural University Bihar (Bau) conducted a hunger strike in two days against the authorities from Friday.
A hunger strike was summoned by the Progressive Teacher Association (PTA) and the Association of Teachers of Sabour (SAATA) of the University of Agriculture (SAATA) against the delay in the promotion in the 2006 career progress scheme and the alleged nepotism applies in the smell.
PTA and Sautah accused the promotion of Teacher Bau has been delayed for the past 15 years and the authorities are indifferent to their original demands for more than a decade.
Pta and Sauta members alleged that the authorities of the odor have pampered themselves to violate some provisions and laws and regulations for promotion, while some scientists and junior officials are given more than one responsibility.
The Secretary of PTA Hidyatullah Mir said the teachers and scientists did a peace strike for their basic rights to get promotion on time.
“The delay was intentional to debting candidates who qualified to become part of the administration,” Mir said.
Abhay Muskar, Secretary of Sauta, accused 15 years of delay in promotion according to CAS with the intention of Malafide and forced more than 300 teachers to form a coordination committee to fight for their demands.
Rambalak Prasad Nirala, President of SaTA, said a two-day hunger strike was part of a series of peaceful protests.
The odor authorities cannot be contacted for their comments on stirring.

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