Teacher Wants Gujarat Following CBSE: MCQ – News2IN

Teacher Wants Gujarat Following CBSE: MCQ

Teacher Wants Gujarat Following CBSE: MCQ
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: The teacher who has gathered to check the paper for the repeater owned by students in a memorandum to the State Education Department requested the last to adopt the center MCQ board pattern for the final exam year.
About 60 teachers who have gathered because paper examination stated that the central council in class XII has announced a MCQ-based pattern for class XII science students for March 2022 examination.
The teachers say that the Gujarat Board usually follows the CBSE pattern and announces change.
“The CBSE board has announced an inspection pattern two weeks ago, but the Gujarat government has not made such an announcement.” The teachers stated that the Gujarat government must also hold the MCQ exam for 50% of the syllabus in November or December followed by a written exam in March or April.
Class XII teachers from government schools have demanded that the announcement must be done first so that students are freed with the main stress and they can make preparations for the appropriate examination.

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