‘Teachers who are sacked by J & K The government for the alleged terror link to influence young people to join terror rating’ – News2IN

‘Teachers who are sacked by J & K The government for the alleged terror link to influence young people to join terror rating’

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The four teachers among 11 government employees who were sacked by the J & K government were recently for the alleged terror link and ‘anti-national’ activities not only misdunence students in schools and their respective institutions but also influenced children in Each area to join terror rating, according to sources at the central intelligence agency.
While Nasir Ahmad Tanray, was fired from his work as a teacher at GMS, Batengu, Anantnag, said that he was related to Hezbul Mujahidin and Jamaat e Islamic, both forbid clothes that violate the law (prevention) that violated the law; Mohammad West Java Parray, whose service is a lecturer in the Institute of Education & Training (Diet), ended, known as ‘Chhota Geelani’ among Jamaat-e-Islami cadres and worked closely with Jake E Mohammad, said a source.
Interestingly, two of the four employees were fired from the Department of Education J & K, was a woman who allegedly spreading the ideology of Dukhtaran E Millat, also prohibited under UPA, and mobilized support among women and children for the separation of J & K.
Nasir Ahmad Tantray The alleged sympathizers of terror were appointed as temporary teachers with the help of his brother, Abdul Gani Tantray, was employed in the same school, when he last decided to continue the leave earnings for several months.
Abdul Tantray, the source of intelligence claimed, had joined Hezbul Mujahidin in 1990 as the Head of the District or Nazir-e-Zillah and had an influence between the centers of Anantnag.
When Abdul rejoined, the two brothers confirmed that the temporary appointment of Nasir was extended and then arranged in the same school.
Nasir, said a source, joined terror rating as soon as he was arranged and began indoctrinating other students and adolescents in his area.
“Nasir has a close relationship with the head of Syed Salahuddin the most sought after Hezbul Mujahidin.
Putra Nisar, studying in Pakistan, sponsored by Salahuddin,” Claims an officer in the Central Law Enforcement Institute.
Mohamad Jabar Parra was under the government’s scanner J & K for the past few years but the previous regime chose to look in another direction, accusing an official.
He claimed Parray had organized the Jaei-e-Tulba Jei-wing wing event in many schools.
“He was also characterized by security forces to arrange pounding stones and radical children, but there was no action taken against him,” the officer said.
Learned that Parray held a cemetery of several terrorists in Bijbehara and washing by a dozen young men to become a terrorist.
Parray also uses a local mosque to provoke young people with his pro-jihad speech.
“He worked closely with Jaish-e-Mohammed and acted as a terror catalyst in Anantnag District by assisting in the implementation of terror plans,” said the source.
Raziya Sultan, Principal of the Government School, Khiram, Anantnag was fired at the alleged terror of the sermon.
His father Sultan Bhat was a supporters of Jei Faithful who was killed by terrorists in 1996 for a double intersection.
He was appointed as a teacher about loving land in 2000.
Security institutions have marked that he spread the ideology of Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DEM) and Jei but no action was taken.
“He is holding a meeting of Dem and Jei in his village.
The main agenda of the meeting is to spread the separation of J & K, stay in touch with terror clothing and support their activities,” said the source.
Sakeen Akhter, the fourth-fired teacher was appointed as temporary teacher in 2002 in GPS, Gorjan Khiram, Anantnag, and then arranged in 2008, also “was very involved in dukhtaran-e-millat (DEM) activities,” claiming an officer an investigative agent center.
“He arranged a meeting of women and young people on behalf of Dem to spread lonely activities.
He has carried out such activities to help Pakistan sponsor terror groups while drawing salaries from the government,” he added.

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