Technology to help capture leopards – News2IN

Technology to help capture leopards

Written by news2in

Letter: Forest officials along with Hanumantiya villagers in the district but have camped on the outskirts of the village since Friday night after a leopard killed a three-year-old girl.
Apart from human supervision, the Ministry of Forestry also uses a trap camera to find Leopard which is difficult to understand on Monday, the Ministry of Forestry installs more trap cameras and also increases the size of the supervision team.
The team will camp in the village for the next seven days to find leopards.
Anand Kumar, the Deputy Forest Conservator, but, said: “At first we have set 10 cages and as many night trap cameras as possible.
On Monday five, a trap camera again installed in places where Pugmark Leopard was found.” This village is located on the edge Jhakri river and surrounded by sugar cane farms.
Our team tried my best to save the leopard and we hope it will soon be locked up.
“” The Ministry of Forestry also asked local residents of the nearest villages to tell us if they get instructions about big cats, “he added.
Sanjay Gamit,” Sarpanch from Hanumantiya Group Gram Panchayat said: “This is not the first time that the leopard looks at here.
about five years ago a leopard was seen in the village.
It was saved after training a week by the Ministry of Forestry.
At that time there was no victim but this time a little girl was killed.
The village has around 260 houses and villagers conducting night patrol and helping Forest staff.

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