Teen Scales Washim MT Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa – News2IN

Teen Scales Washim MT Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa

Teen Scales Washim MT Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A teenager Washim scale Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa on August 15, thus changing his achievements into special and unforgettable events.
Yash Ingole, only 19 years old, has scale mountains throughout India for years and is widely trained under professionals.
In Maharashtra, Ingole has scaled up many steep fortresses and spans along the west coast.
The media release from the Washim District Information Officer said that Ingole received more than RS1.5 Lakh from the Collectorate District to help create a corpus for his trip.
Cycling every day 20 km and running for 10 km helped him increase his stamina for Arduos’s climb to the highest mountain in Africa.
On Sunday, when Ingole’s academic commitment was lacking, he rode a bicycle for 30-35 km.
When he was five years old, Ingole scaled his first ‘summit’ at Daultabad Fort near Aurangabad.
His love for climbing to the upper fortress with his feet increased when he continued the peak scale of 18 fortresses again in the state.
In 2018, he went to the highest peak scale in Maharashtra, Kalsubai, in West Ghats.
After cleaning in STD X, Ingole went to Uttarakhand and scala to several peaks there with increasingly increasing his belief.
After this he directed the seven world famous peaks in the world, with Mount Everest in first place.
Mount Kilimanjaro was ranked fourth in the list and Ingole began to prepare this in 2019 itself.
He went for a one-month training at Himachal Pradesh’s Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Sports Allied to get more experience handling rough peak climbing.
The Shanmugarajan district collector also helped Ingole not only increase its moral but also to help raise funds.
Ingole began his climb on August 11 morning and he reached the top of Kilimanjaro at 9 in the morning at Augst 15.
After reaching the ‘top of Africa’, Yash spent almost three hours there with an amazing view.
To August 15, he felt extra proud to wave a national flag there.
As a statement given to Dio, Ingole now plans to scale Mount Everest.

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