Telangana Revenue Down 3% Until July: Estimated CAG – News2IN

Telangana Revenue Down 3% Until July: Estimated CAG

Telangana Revenue Down 3% Until July: Estimated CAG
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: The gathering of state revenues as a whole until July has decreased by 3%, according to the estimated general income Comtrroller and General Auditor (CAG) for the country.
However, sales tax collection has increased by 15% vis-a-vis July last year, while the stamps and registration income rose 12%.
As usual, the GST collection contributed part of the tax revenue (RS 28,591 Crore), followed by sales tax (RS 8,218 Crore) and Excise (Rs 4,791 Crore).
Part of the state union tax is Rs 2,178 Crore compared to RS 8,721 Crore projection.
GST Collection has reached 25% of the total budget estimate of 18% in July last year.
Similarly, sales tax revenues reached 31% of the estimated budget figures for the same period of 16% last year.
This year the total tax revenue until July was 19% compared to 16% last year.
Non-tax income is Rs 1,925 Crore compared to RS 30,557 Crore last year.
State government tax and non-tax income remain the main source of concerns when trying to stabilize their financial position after a decrease in pandemic induced pandemic.
The state has accumulated a revenue deficit of Rs 9,483 Crore until July.
It is estimated that the RS 6,743 crore surplus, but Covid resulted in a decrease in income.
Another concern is that the state has borrowed 32% of the estimates budgeted to July.
While salary and wages contributed RS 8,560 crore in expenses, retiring costs of Rs 2,067 Crore and Rs 3,682 crore subsidies.
Account expenditure income is Rs 18,826 Crore against Rs 1.02 Lakh which is projected for a year.

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