Telugu Aseel arranged Roost in Thailand – News2IN

Telugu Aseel arranged Roost in Thailand

Telugu Aseel arranged Roost in Thailand
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Extraordinary (or asyl) asel has become synonymous with Sankranti, thanks to an organized chicken fight during the harvest festival.
But this type comes from Telugu stating and is considered the first type of chicken in the world now, however, more popular throughout the world as a Thai bird game.
A study by the Animal Genetics National Bureau revealed that all types of poultry at this time came from Aseel.
Unfortunately, now it is endangered in India itself because of genetic erosion and facing the threat of extinction.
Thailand, who obtained the Nutfah plasma from Andhra Pradesh, has stopped ASEEL and developed other combat breeds that are equally beautiful, Shammo (or Shamo), from it.
Thailand has hundreds of breeding centers for ASEEL where genetic purity is maintained.
Even internet searches on fighters or birds return the results as ASEEL, Thai fighters, even though it is a native population of Telugu countries.
Apart from Thailand, popular in Vietnam, Australia and Europe.
This breed became popular in Telugu’s land during Kakatiya and then Qutub Shahi the period when it got his name ASEEL, which in Arabic means pure or pure.
City Poultry researchers are worried that Telugu countries will lose Breed ASEEL if the purity is not maintained.
Pakistan, who received ASEEL from AP through Punjab, has lost the type thanks to cross breeding with imported birds.
Now it depends on Thailand aseel for fighter birds and poultry needs.
Apart from Shammo, bred by ASEEL by Thailand, some breeds in Europe have their ancestors in Aseel.
Ironically, the British poultry standard does not recognize Aseel Telugu, but has given a thumbs up for Aseel Thailand, regretting Dr.
Mn Khaja, a senior geneticist.
According to scientists, “Home Treaty” ASEEL is AP, although there are in some parts of Odisha, MP, and Rajasthan.
A study by a team from the Poultry Research Directorate said “Genetic erosion occurred because it was introduced to an increase in hybrid chicken varieties in the breeding treaty”.
“This leads to the dilution of genetic purity or breed replacement, which has brought them in the threat of extinction,” said the researchers, added that efforts to increase productivity without reducing characteristics of type.

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