T’Gana: Medicos looked at losing a year as covid hits class – News2IN

T’Gana: Medicos looked at losing a year as covid hits class

T'Gana: Medicos looked at losing a year as covid hits class
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Medical and dental students in Telangana are now staring at the delay of almost a year in completing their courses, belonging to the Covid-19 outbreak.
There are nearly 10,000 medical students and 5,000 teeth in Telangana.
All batches looked at the possibility of losing one year.
Many rue students that they have not appeared for one examination for the past 8-15 months now, thus throwing academic cycles completely out of the teeth.
“Technically, my batch should be in the third year now.
But we are stuck in the second year, the syllabus is even incomplete.
The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed us back for almost a year and we are not even sure when the next exam will be held,” Sai said Nath, a Gandhi Medical College student.
Ayush students have not appeared for a single examination in the last 15 months, thus delaying their undergraduate program solutions.
“Our last test was held in November 2020.
After that our exam was postponed for two to three times due to bad weather conditions and Covid-19 cases.
We have wasted one year due to the delay and if this kept me wondering when I was’ D Finish my course, “said Akhila, a Gandhi Nature Cure College student.
Lack of clarity on academic schedules has also added student problems.
“Our first year’s test which was held at the beginning of 2021 was held in May.
In comparison, other countries such as Andhra Pradesh completed the exam on January 2021.
We were told about our exam only 20-30 days earlier,” said Mohan Dharavath, a person Student Osmania Medical College (OMC).
It also places spanners in their plans to pursue post-graduation and internships as well, said students.
“If the exam is postponed further, we will not be able to pursue our internship on time, so delay the prospects appear for NEET-PG.
We will not get enough time in our posts which can also affect our learning level,” said Sai Dinesh Reddy, A third year medical student OMC.
Officials at Kaliaji Narayana University of Health Sciences (Knruhs) recognized the delay and said that universities are now rushed through the syllabus to allow students who are eligible to appear by NEET in 2023.
“Each course runs a few months.
We are under great pressure to complete Syllabus and completing the exam on time because there are rules for each course.
Even when the exam is held, we must ensure there is sufficient gap between all tests so that students are not stressed, “said Reddy Karunaker.
, Deputy Chancellor Knruhs.

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