Thane: Man was held for twin killings in the freed grave – News2IN

Thane: Man was held for twin killings in the freed grave

Thane: Man was held for twin killings in the freed grave
Written by news2in

Thane: Thane Session Court has released a 38-year-old man from the city of Powerloom Bhiwandi who was tried for a violation of a double murder and black magic practice.
He has been given benefits from doubts because the prosecution that failed to fail to prove the charges.
The defendant, Rafique Ansari, was released last week by additional session judges, SP Godhalekar.
Other allegations accused of Abdul Ajij Chotu Shaikh also tried together with him but when he died during the trial of the case against him near the court.
The prosecutor told the court that on October 4, 2011, a pedicab driver had gone to fishing near Kefidan Kabrastan on Jalan Idgha and witnessed that one person was lying in severe injured Kabrastan and other people were also hurt beside him.
He reminded the police who rushed both injured in the hospital where the doctor stated that both were taken dead.
One of the dead was identified as the Divine Minarul Shaikh, a resident of Shantinagar, Mankhurd, Mumbai.
Other dead people were identified as Laxman Burman.
There is an injury in his head, ears, eyes, stomach.
Lemon, a black and nail doll found in Shaikh.
During the probe, the police arrested the duo and accused him under various IPC parts and the Black Magic Law.
The judge heard the prosecution version but released the defendant, in his order, the judge punched several holes in the theory of prosecution, in the order of the judge noting “..the CA (chemical analysis) reported records relating to the deceased clothing and samples collected from the place of revealing human blood detection .
However, the clothing of the defendant did not show human blood detection.
In short, this CA report is no point in connecting the defendant with the alleged incident.
“Judge further added,” ..thoughing.
Practice and black science, there is no real evidence to show that people The accused and died had come there solely for that purpose and after that some disputes occurred between them and those accused of committing their murder.
“Ansari, was tried for violations of various violations in incorporating the killing of Indian criminal codes along with several other parts of other parts of Prevention of Maharashtra and Eradication of Pemor Human Anan and inhuman, evil and aghoric practices, 2013.

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