The best Android application of 2021: co-founder sortzy nitin gupta on ‘secret recipes’ and others – News2IN

The best Android application of 2021: co-founder sortzy nitin gupta on ‘secret recipes’ and others

The best Android application of 2021: co-founder sortzy nitin gupta on 'secret recipes' and others
Written by news2in

Sortizy is an application that focuses on food that aims to make food content more functional and impact on users globally, help them manage their food and diet at home efficiently through discovery of recipes, brands, and more.
This has been questioned by Nitin Gupta, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Bits Pilani Goa.
Nitin also holds a senior position in Oyo.
In e-mail interaction with Ti Tech-Gadgets now, Nitin talks about the application What does it feel like the best list of Google Play 2021 in India? It feels fun to be one of the best 2021 applications on Google Play.
Google Play Store, as part of Android, helping application developers throughout India reach scale and growth.
Support and tools provided by Google are very helpful in getting feedback from our user base, analyzing important data for growth, and measuring the impact of our growth initiatives.
What do you think is the USP of your application that has helped you get here? Sortzy has been built to help people eat their choice of food, easily and comfortably at home.
To manage our diet sustainably, we have to rely on our home kitchens, and sortizy applications have been designed to make every step of the process comfortable, fun, and attractive.
From finding options recipes, creating and managing food plans, finding or buying products related to relevant kitchens, managing or shopping for food, to learn new skills, sortizy in every step.
Food touches everyone and, we believe, requires a special technology platform specifically designed for food and cooking at home, and we are in sortzy building only it.
How does the pandemic change things for you, what has become the biggest learning at 2021? When it comes to food, the pandemic has changed a diet approach for many people.
They can better understand the importance of a healthy diet for their physical and mental well-being, which has helped us get users.
We see that many people are interested in new diets such as veganism or want to cook global cuisine with new materials.
What plans do you have for the application for next year? Our goal is to be part of every home kitchen in India and help people connect and develop meaningful relationships with food.
Next year, we aim to improve further products and build features that our users are actively searching.
We also plan to improve content on platforms by playing more content makers, carrying brands and interesting products, and directing trade informed for them.
Every message you have for your application users? We are very grateful for the trust we show us, and we want to convince our users that this is just the beginning of our trip.
We are determined and are very eager to make a unique technology-based platform centered around the food – so that everyone can open the super power from the kitchen of their home and eat their choice of food, directly from the comfort of their home.

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