The BRICS language joined India in opposing UE carbon taxes – News2IN
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The BRICS language joined India in opposing UE carbon taxes

The BRICS language joined India in opposing UE carbon taxes
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Aligning self with Indian stands for the carbon border tax proposed by the European Union, other BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa – on Friday together against the proposal to call it “discriminatory”.
Expressing their concerns over the EU steps, these four countries together with India also expressed their formal objections to the proposal in the ‘New Delhi statement about the environment’ when they promised to work together with each other and took a shared booth in a multilateral forum.
Under the world’s first proposal on carbon border taxes, 27 EU countries recently decided to impose border tax on imports of carbon intensive goods.
The tax plan, it has not formalized legally, will take effect from 2026.
“We record seriously the problem of proposals to introduce trade barriers, such as the adjustment of unilateral carbon borders, which are discriminatory,” New Delhi’s statement was adopted after a day-to-day consideration Virtual Brics environment chaired by India.
In addition to cooperation on different controversial problems in the global forum, BRICS Nations also decided to jointly work on reducing and control of air and water pollution.
“Year 2021 is an important year not only for BRICS but also for the whole world because we have a UN biodiversity conference (COP15) in October and the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November in which BRICS countries can play a very role Significant in overcoming.
Contemporary global challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity, air pollution, sea plastic impurities etc., “said Minister of Environment Bhupender Yadav while overcoming meetings.
He also underlined the position of India, about collective actions against “climate justice, sustainable lifestyle, and responsible consumption and production”.
India has promoted these problems in every multilateral forum on environmental and climate change while asking rich nations (historical pollutants) to act in accordance with the principles of ‘equity’ and general responsibilities but different (CBDR-RC).
Referring to the recent IPCC report on climate change, the minister said it has provided enough indication that the world faces the situation “now or never” where the “collective global action” concrete will be needed against environmental and climate challenges.
In front of air pollution, BRICS countries during meetings talk about sharing the best practice and collaboration experiences in the field of uniformity in the methodology for air-quality data generation, quality control and guarantees, cleaning technology and pollution control, reduction, and prevention, and network strengthening National air quality monitoring.

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