The British-Pakistani hostage family said he had a mental problem – News2IN
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The British-Pakistani hostage family said he had a mental problem

The British-Pakistani hostage family said he had a mental problem
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The known weapon vs.
Battle border has erupted between the Republicans and Democrats in the United States after Texas was held hostage by a British-Pakistani connector even when his family in England claimed that he suffered a mental health problem that might cause his actions.
Gunman 43-year-old who took four hostages in the synagogue in Dallas on Sunday demanding the release of Pakistani-American scientists who were imprisoned by Aafia Siddiqui, then identified as Malik Faisal Akram, a National British Paccanani who came from the Gratitary Tabligh extremist group.
He was killed in a shootout with the FBI team after he freed one hostage and the other escape.
His family, who had collaborated with the FBI during a 12-hour deadlock, claimed he had released a prisoner, while declaring regret over his sandor.
“There is nothing we can say to him or do that will convince him to give up,” he said his brother Gulbar Akram in a statement.
Family members and colleagues in the UK who claimed that he suffered mental health problems also wondered how he managed to enter the United States with a record including the battle with the British law enforcement authority.
In the US, this problem quickly increased became a political fight with Pepublik dismantling the Biden administration that accused the relaxation of border controls that were institutionalized as long as the Trump president.
Authorities said Akram had flown to the US from England just two weeks ago without describing the visa he traveled and how he got it, given a report that he had a criminal record.
By several accounts, Akram lives in a homeless shelter in the New York area before going to Dallas, where he took refuge in the synagogue before going naughty.
President Biden himself stepped into the flap, seemed to blame the easy accessibility of weapons in America for episodes than weak border control, while speculating that Akram might have bought a gun, he was armed “from an individual in a homeless shelter or a homeless community.” ” It’s hard to say.
I just don’t know, “Biden said, added that while the” critical “background examination they didn’t work when someone bought a gun on the road.
“There are so many weapons that have been sold lately; it’s just ridiculous.
And that’s because of our failure to focus as hard as we are and as consistent as we have to buy weapons, sales of weapons, ghost weapons, and the overall range of things I tried to do , “said the US President, widened the scope of the debate around the episode.
Elsewhere, legislators and US activists were revealed on the Akram family and the Blackburn Muslim community because they did not recognize the anti-Semitic nature of the attack.
Criticism centered on a statement issued by the family of the perpetrators and friends who praised him and said, “Hopefully the Almighty forgive all his sins and bless him with the highest paradise rankings.” The statement was then visited by the Blackburn Muslim community explained, “We posted about the death of local individuals yesterday and utilizing standard templates with generic words used in all of our death announcements.
After learning about the full state of his death, the post was deleted.” ” apologize for upset or violations caused by people who are directly and indirectly influenced by the incident, especially the Jewish community in Texas.
This is not intentional and our minds with all of them, “said community leaders, adding that they” right- True condemn the threat or attack innocent people “and that they stand in” solidarity with people from all religions “.

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