The bronze monument dedicated to the hero Battle of Saragarhi to be launched in England at a 124-year anniversary – News2IN

The bronze monument dedicated to the hero Battle of Saragarhi to be launched in England at a 124-year anniversary

The bronze monument dedicated to the hero Battle of Saragarhi to be launched in England at a 124-year anniversary
Written by news2in

Bhatinda: One hundred and twenty four years after the Battle of Saragarhi, the army of 21 Sikh soldiers and a Muslim cook, who showed the courage that was exemplary in a fierce battle, will be enshrined in the United Kingdom on September 12.
The bronze statue of Havildar Ishar Singh – who led the 22 troops against thousands of Pathan Tribesmen – was installed on a six-footed base, where the names of all martyrs were written, will be launched at Wednesfield on the outskirts of Wolverhampton on the opportunity to commemorate the 124th anniversary of the epic battle.
A 10-foot bronze statue from Ishar Singh holds a small sword has been named after the Saragarhi monument.
The Battle of Saragarhi was fought on September 12, 1897, where 22 Bravehearts of the 36th Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Army stand firm against the attacks of thousands of Tribesman Pathhan at Pos Saragarhi between the two fortresses in the North West Border Province, now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan.
They have killed many tribes before dropping their lives.
The Battle of Saragarhi was listed between the top eight battle of collective courage by UNESCO.
Although two Gurdwaras has been built in Amritsar and Ferozepur in the memory of the Heroes of Saragarhi – Ferozepur warnings are in trouble – this is the first example that such monuments have appeared in the UK.
With the Initiative City Council of Wolverhampton, especially the Board member of Bhupinder Singh Gachal, in collaboration with the Nanak Gurdwara Teacher Committee and the monument has been built on a gurdwara premise.
Gothhal told Ti by telephone from Wolverhampton that raising the Saragarhi monument like a dream came true.
“We used to hear about the stories of Hero of the Valor and Gallyry of 21 Warriors, but never thought that we would be able to capture them in our own place.
Therefore, because 1 pound lakh was collected by very and 35,000 pounds contributed by the Wolverhampton Board that The monument was confirmed The eight meter steel plate, describes the mountains and strategic posts, is also part of the Saragarhi monument.
“He added that the sense of Jathar Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh, a member of the British parliament and military officers will appear in the inauguration.
The army will play ribbons and weapons shots will be fired as award to the fallen army.
Teacher Secretary Nanak Gurdwara Paramjit Singh said that it would be a moment of pride for the Sikh community, not only in England but all over the world, when the monument was launched on September 12 in front of very At that time, which was equivalent to the current VIAM VIR chakra.
The delegation of British army officials, led by Brigadier Celia Jane Harvey, previously visited Saragarhi Gurdwara in Ferozepur in 2019.

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