The Calcutta High Court strongly demanded the West Bengal Government in case of violence after the poll – News2IN

The Calcutta High Court strongly demanded the West Bengal Government in case of violence after the poll

The Calcutta High Court strongly demanded the West Bengal Government in case of violence after the poll
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Calcutta High Court, while ordering on Thursday the CBI probe monitored by the court into the case of murder and rape during violence after the poll in West Bengal, has greatly charged the state minister of Mamata Banerjee.
The High Court observes the “suamwarmarma” state government response to the FIR registered in the incidence of “sadness, serious and honesty”.
In the order, the court has asked the CBI to submit a six-week report.
Quoting a portion of the report submitted by the Demand Committee suffered by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on its order, the Calcutta High Court stated Shock and said, “In 60 percent of cases, the firs were not registered.
It is regardless of the fact that due to lack of time, The committee cannot record a statement of a number of complainants and victims.
“The High Court proceeded to the Country:” From the Committee Report, sample data can be destroyed which shows that in 20 murder cases, where complaints are referred to by the Committee to the police to register fir shots but the response for sale Luke from the country.
“The High Court then said:” Another example of a striking inability by the proven state of the data provided in a committee report where cruel crimes against women, such as rape or efforts to strengthen the complainants presented by the complainant .
Before the committee, which was referred to Police, but propoer steps have not been taken to investigate vile crimes, which can inspire confidence in institutions that enforce the law.
“The High Court considers seriously the approach of the Mamata government to violations.
At the 97th, he said,” what is very serious is that the state has not responded to violations of murders and rape is written as referred to in the prudence of the main justice of Hon’Ble (acting).
His violation was sad, serious and vile.
This is possible as a result of violent polls.
This is possible in ordinary affairs.
The fact is fixed that each of these violations requires a serious investigation.
That is the hope of people from this state.
If this expectation is fulfilled, their faith in the rule of law and in the delivery system justice will be maintained and improved.
Allegations have been made to the state that accuses apathy towards investigating this crime.
“The High Court said the same documents formed a part of the record of the appeal of people who lacked and it was a useful court function to protect their rights guaranteed under the constitution.” The court cannot be a mute audience or must be apathetic with voices of people.
who feel disadvantaged but must rise to the opportunity to protect these rights, “he said.
While submitting an assessment, Calcutta High Court has also ordered to establish a special investigation team (sit) for an investigation of other violations.
Senior officers from West Bengal cadres will become Part of Sitting.
The State Government has been asked to submit all documents and records to the Inquiry Institute.
“In case, the state does not actually behave, it will be taken seriously,” said the High Court.
The sequence came in response to a set of pils it does not side with alleged violence after the poll in be Nggala west.
Pils accused that people experienced attacks, made to escape from their homes and their properties were destroyed as a result of violence after polls in West Bengal and seeking investigations that were impartial in this matter and the protection of life and freedom.
The High Court has ordered the NHRC to form an investigation committee to investigate various charges of “violence after the poll”.
In his report, the NHRC panel recommended the CBI probe into “sad violations such as murder and rape” which allegedly occurred during violence after the poll and said the trial had to be held outside the country.
The report strongly criticized the state government of Mamata Banerjee for allegedly failing to stem political violence which erupted after the trinamool Congress victory in the assembly election.

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