The camp to register for a new home as a demolition continues in Khori – News2IN

The camp to register for a new home as a demolition continues in Khori

Gurgaon: Corporation of the City of Faridabad (MCF) on Friday began the registration process to rehabilitate villagers in Khori, where the Supreme Court has ordered the demolition of 10,000 homes that have emerged illegally on Aravali forest land.
Demolition continues for the third day in the village.
Some houses were excavated in Chowk Islam on Friday night.
The drive will continue again on Saturday.
Demolition has, meanwhile, attracts the attention of the UN rights body.
In a tweet on Friday, the UN special procedure appealed to the center to stop the eviction and review the plan so that “did not leave anyone homeless”.
“UN experts call #India to stop the expulsion of around 100,000 people starting this week in the rainy season rain,” he wrote.
The UN body also issued a statement.
“The population has been hit by a Covid-19 pandemic, and the eviction command will put them at a greater risk and bring more difficulties to around 20,000 children – many of which may remain out of school – and 5,000 pregnant women or breastfeeding,” it reads.
A UN special procedure official told TII they had raised their fears with the center “through the appropriate diplomatic channels” on Wednesday.
Despite the repeated efforts, Secretary of the Head Haryana cannot be contacted for comments on the UN appeal.
On Friday morning, MCF officials set up camp on the Radha Soami Satsang Beas campus in Surajkund to register villagers who qualified for rehabilitation.
About 100 villagers were registered on the first day.
Faridabad Corporation has announced three conditions for villagers to qualify for rehabilitation in the 1,800-strange Flat EWS in Bapu Nagar and Dabua Colony.
The villagers must meet at least one of these conditions.
According to the feasibility criteria, at least one member of the income or head of the family must be registered voters from the Badhkal assembly constituency on January 1, 2021.
Those who choose in Delhi will not be rehabilitated in Haryana, officials clarify.
Second, the head of the family must have “Parivar Pehchan Patra” (family ID card) issued by the Haryana government on January 1 this year.
The third condition is that the electrical connection offered by DHBVN must be on behalf of the head of the family or member of income.
The villagers lined up for registration on Friday said they had little choice but to accept the government offer.
“We have lost their homes and with it, our expectations too.
We must know from our neighbors that the authorities have established a camp here.
So, we came to registration.
We have our voter card and have sent all documents.
We can only Waiting and watching now, “said a village resident whose house was destroyed.
Other villagers carrying Delhi’s voter cards looked worried.
“I have a Haryana Ransum card and Delhi voter ID.
I got these documents made along with some of our neighbors.
I have lived in Khori for the past 10 years.
We don’t know where we will go if the government does not rehabilitate us,” said The villagers.
The District Authority has established a temporary shelter for villagers at the Radha Soami Satsang Beas campus.
For this, the MCF has collaborated with the Red Cross community.
“We have two large halls, where 1,000 to 1,500 people can be accommodated.
We will also give them food.
If necessary, we have other buildings in Kheri Village, where 5,000 to 6,000 people can be protected,” said Vikas Kumar, Secretary of Cross Red.

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