The case of asymptomatic covid rose in Kolkata – News2IN

The case of asymptomatic covid rose in Kolkata

The case of asymptomatic covid rose in Kolkata
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Covid Patients Without Symptoms – The fall of mass vaccination – increasing throughout the city private hospital, often leaving doctors confused and delaying non-covid treatments they are looking for.
Patient scores that have planned operations, procedures or implants are scheduled since August have been tested positively in a required covid test at the time of hospital admission even though they do not have signs of the usual virus.
Maybe there are some reasons behind this, say experts, including resistance offered by vaccinations that blunt the impact of Covid.
Last week, a 70-year-old patient was tested positively when entering a peerless hospital for knee surgery.
According to the doctor, he is not a fever, cough or respiratory pressure.
Anyone does not have anyone in his family tested positive.
“There are several others like him who tested positively and had to be put in a Covid ward,” said CEO Nearless Sudipta Mitra.
At AMRI Hospital, around 5% of patients who searched for the planned operation had been tested positively for the past two weeks.
“They are truly asymptomatic and have to go back without surgery.
Because they don’t need emergency care, they choose to quarantine the house,” said CEO Amri Rupak Barua.
There are cases of asymptomatic covid since the first wave but with vaccination, their number has increased because inoculation produces mild and muted symptoms, said RN Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences (RTIICS) intensivist Sauren Panja,.
“Apart from the ‘host factor’ also decided on the severity of symptoms.
The individual immune system reacts differently to viral or bacterial attacks, producing mild or severe symptoms.
Also, viral load varies from one patient to another patient which results in very clear symptoms in some And almost nothing in others, “explained Panja.
He added that there might be further increase in the number of patients.
In a vaccinated population, the number of patients asymptomatic symptoms or symptoms will increase exponentially, said Institute of Post-Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (IPGMER) Professor Diplipendra Sarkar.
“Mild or no symptoms are now the order of the day.
Asymptomatic patients prove that mass vaccination has the desired results,” said Sarkar.
Panja, however, warns that asymptomatic patients need to be quarantined like other covid patients.
“Even though they may not need strong drugs, they are still a carrier of the virus and can eventually transmit the disease to many people.
So, the RT-PCR test must be tight now,” he said.
The level of participants has begun to climb at a peerless hospital since last week.
“It dropped to 2% -3% in August.
Close to 10% now which is a burst but mostly once again without symptoms and has not been looking for inpatient, choose to recover separately,” said Partner.
However, ignoring the Covid protocol, however, can be dangerous, be warned Belle Vue Clinic Internal Medical Consultant Rahul Jain.
“If the number of Covid patients swells, those who have severe symptoms will increase too.
It can again cause an increase in hospital admission, which, we need to prevent it.
It is better to have more asymptomatic patients as long as we can quickly identify and isolate them” said Jain .

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