The center failed to achieve economic growth: Harish Rao – News2IN

The center failed to achieve economic growth: Harish Rao

The center failed to achieve economic growth: Harish Rao
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: Finance Minister T Harish Rao on Monday slams the BJP government in the middle of saying that it failed to achieve economic growth, leaving a country that led to countries such as Bangladesh, which outperformed higher GDP growth and per capita income (PCI).
Overcoming the media, he accused the BJP leaders including the Union Minister G Kiswan Reddy and the Head of BJP Bandi State Sanjay shouted from the roof that the country’s economy was destroyed.
“I want to ask them what the United States did in the increase in gasoline and diesel prices.
Telangana does extraordinary things in terms of growth and the middle wing itself have stated this growth rate,” he said.
Harish Rao accused the opposition parties pursuing their own interests by targeting the Government of Trs unfairly.
“The rights of quality drinking water to irrigation facilities to electricity, we have completed all the pending problems of the country, opposition can show our mistakes but do not reduce the dignity of the country by making false accusations,” he said.
These accusations will be proven to be their own targets for them, he added.
The Minister of Finance stated firmly that the Dalit Bandhu scheme would be carried out throughout the state at any cost.
“We are working on modality and we will not back down,” he said.
He added that the number of government job vacancies would be stated soon.

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