The center to assess the country at a faster green distance, environmental lovers seek the withdrawal of these steps – News2IN

The center to assess the country at a faster green distance, environmental lovers seek the withdrawal of these steps

New Delhi: As part of the purpose of ‘convenience in doing business’ greater, the center has decided to provide incentives in countries through the ranking of the environmental impact assessment authorities based on their efficiency in giving green permits to projects.
This step, however, is highly criticized by environmental lovers who seek direct withdrawals, say the government’s decision will reduce environmental legal compliance with mere formality because the role of the body is to give a nod after detailed supervision takes time.
The Ministry of Environment on Tuesday issued office notes (OM) on its star rating system for the state’s green authority, by saying this step was intended as a recognition and encouragement mode and to promote an increase if needed.
It also remembers how some initiatives in the past have reduced the average time taken in the provision of environmental licenses (EC) up to 75 days by opposing the timeline determined 105 days.
The ministry said the state ranking problem based on the time taken in accordance with the permission was raised in a meeting, chaired by the Cabinet Secretary in November last year, about actions taken on ‘ease of doing business’, and it was decided to “provide incentives to” countries through the system Stars, based on efficiency and timeliness in EC administration ” Provided for projects where the thorough test is lacking, “said the Ritwick Dutta environmental lawyer who led legal initiatives for forests and the environment (life), Delhi-based new think tank.” The process (system rating) will ensure that the purpose of Seiaa will be to delete project with the shortest possible time, “Dutta said when marking an irony as a task Real Seiaa is to do ‘detailed supervision’ from environmental impact assessments (EIA) reporting and all other relevant information including public hearing treatises that require time.
“This order must be drawn immediately so that it makes the complete ridicule of any sanctity which is still in this country point,” said Manoj Misra, retired Indian forest officers (IFS) and founder of Yamuna Jiye Abhiya.
“When India has the quality of the air and the worst water in the world, this OM will, if applied, will reduce environmental legal compliance with mere formality.
It is necessary to withdraw immediately,” Dutta said.
He noted that the ministry’s decision would place the EC process in the situation where “get a bad sign for the environment and people”.
Referring to ranking criteria, life analyzed that if members of Seiaa conduct ‘site visits’ to ensure local conditions and ecology, signs are associated for the same thing – and ironically more members visit fields, fewer signs they get.
“If members of Seiaa make a location visit in less than 10% of the proposals that come to them for assessment, they will be given 1 sign.
However, if they make a site visit with more than 20%, Seiaa will get 0 signs ..
Similarly, in terms of the time required to provide EC, 2 marks will be awarded if the consent is given in less than 80 days and 0 Mark will be granted if the consent is given in more than 120 days …
the goal is clear.
Seiaa Members should sit in Conference room boundaries and make decisions and get high grades, “Dutta said.

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