The center warns Kerala Govt about the increase in Covid cases – News2IN

The center warns Kerala Govt about the increase in Covid cases

The center warns Kerala Govt about the increase in Covid cases
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The center has warned the state government about alarming increase in the case of Covid-19.
It has been asked to follow a five-fold strategy in loading a pandemic, without it not only the country but even neighboring countries will be affected.
In his letter to the Head of Secretary V Joy on Friday, Union Secretary of Union Rajesh Bhushan said the country remained the top contributors for new cases every day and contributed more than half of the case of Active Covid-19 in this country.
“Even though there is an effort by the state government about increasing testing, the percentage of testing confirmation is still very high (more than 15%), indicating a high transmission and widespread.
I want to repeat that every weakness in ensuring strict compliance with a five-fold strategy -Track-treat-vaccine and ensure the appropriate behavior of Covid ‘, can lead to a further surge in Covid-19 transmission in Kerala and neighboring countries, “he said.
The letter said that all 14 districts in the state have been identified as districts that are of concern because TPR high and high cases per million have been reported in the last four weeks.
Thrissur, Kozhikode and Ernakulam have reported more than 4,000 cases per million populations on the week ended August 25, he said, adding that the country has taken several steps to contain the spread of Covid-19, the desired results have not come true.
The center insisted that the detention zone needed to be defined as a central guideline with a special focus on a high transmission cluster.
The buffer zone around the detention zone needs to be clearly identified, and passive supervision needs to be increased to detect cases from the detention zone.
Furthermore, the contact search efforts must be further reduced to ensure that at least 20-25 contacts per positive case identified and all identified contacts are placed under quarantine.
House isolation guidelines must be strictly followed.
This center instructs that targeted testing needs to be improved in the detention zone and mainly includes highrisk contacts.
The state must ensure an increase in genome surveillance in the field of high and sustainable transmission.
Samples of all cases of vaccine breakthrough infections and reinfection need to be sent for positive genome sequencing.
In addition, the assessment of the epidemiological-clinico of all cases needs to be done immediately.
After being assessed, the results of the assessment need to be shared with the National Disease Control Center.
The center also asks the state to form a pharmacic strategy to complete the second dose vaccination of beneficiaries when expanding vaccination.
The multilevel response action plan at the district level must also be prepared and deployed in accordance with the framework of the implementation of the central detention for the detention of the community or the area of ​​major detention, the secretary of the unity unity secretary.

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