The CIA director holds a secret meeting with the Taliban Leader Baradar: Report – News2IN

The CIA director holds a secret meeting with the Taliban Leader Baradar: Report

The CIA director holds a secret meeting with the Taliban Leader Baradar: Report
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: American Spy Top held a secret meeting with the leader of the De Facto Taliban Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday at the highest face-to-face meeting between the two parties since the militant group seized the capital of Afghanistan, said a media report on Tuesday.
Taliban seized power in Afghanistan on August 15, two weeks before the US will complete the withdrawal of troops after the war two decades are expensive.
This forced Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to escape from the country to the UAE.
Director of CIA William J.
Burns held a secret meeting in Kabul on Monday Baradar at the highest-level face-to-face meeting between the Taliban and the Biden government since militant won the capital of Afghanistan, quoting the unnamed US.
Officials talk about the condition of anonymity.
President Joe Biden’s decision to send his top spy, a foreign service veteran, came in the middle of panic efforts to evacuate people from Kabul International Airport in what had been called the President “one of the biggest airlifts, the hardest in history,” Paper is said.
The CIA refused to comment on the Taliban meeting but the discussion might involve the next August 31 deadline for the US military to conclude AirLift citizens and Afghan ally, he added.
The Biden government was under pressure from several allies to keep the US forces in the country surpass the August 31 August deadline to help evacuate tens of thousands of US citizens and Western countries and Afghan allies who were desperate to escape the rules of Taliban.
However, Taliban spokesman on Monday warned that there would be “consequences” if the US and British seek an extension at the August 31 deadline for the withdrawal of troops led by the US from a torn country.
Baradar, who spent eight years in Pakistani prison before his release in 2018, has served as the main negotiator of the Taliban in peace talks with the US in Qatar which resulted in an agreement with Trump’s administration in the withdrawal of US troops.
On November 2020, he posed for a photo in front of a gold-framed seat with the State Secretary Mike Pompeo.
A close friend of Taliban’s highest leader Muhammad Omar, Baradar is believed to have a significant influence on the ranking of the Taliban and files, the paper said.
He was against Soviet forces during their occupation in Afghanistan and was the governor of several provinces in the 1990s when the last Taliban ruled the country.
Since the takeover of the Taliban State, he has scored a conciliated tone, said militant groups are looking for “Islamic systems where all nation can participate without discrimination and live harmoniously with each other in the atmosphere of brotherhood.” In his meeting with burns on Monday, Baradar faced one of the most experienced diplomats in America, a representative of the State Secretary who also served as US Ambassador to Russia, said posting.
In April, Burns traveled without notice to Afghanistan because fears increased about the ability of the Afghan government to fend off the Taliban after US withdrawal, said this paper.
As a director, burns overseeing spy agents who train units of special Afghan elite forces who have been seen as strong forces in this country, but are also involved in extraordinary murder and human rights violations.
On Monday, before the details of the secret meeting emerged, the Ned Price Department Department spokesman was asked about why US senior officials were not involved with Baradar considering the stakes in Afghanistan.
Prices say “our discussion with the Taliban has been operational, tactical, they mostly focus on our short-term operations and short-term goals …
what happens in the airport complex …
that’s what we do focus at this time.”

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