The civil society group claims 15,000 cases of violence after the poll in Bengal; The center promises action – News2IN

The civil society group claims 15,000 cases of violence after the poll in Bengal; The center promises action

The civil society group claims 15,000 cases of violence after the poll in Bengal; The center promises action
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The center on Tuesday promised to take action on a fact of a fact search team that claimed that there were 15,000 incidents of violence after the poll in West Bengal where 25 people were killed and 7,000 women were persecuted.
According to the State Minister for Home Ghan Reddy, the Civil Society Group Report – Call for Justice – Led by former Chief Judge High Courtice (REPD) Kohli Permod Kohli stated that the magnitude of posting -Goll violence touched many villages and cities throughout West Bengal Starting on May 2 night when the assembly selection results were stated.
“This is a clear indication that most incidents are not sporadic but planned, organized and conspiracies,” said the report.
The five member team included two retired IAS and one IPS officer.
“The Ministry of Houses will study the report and will try to apply its recommendations,” Reddy said told reporters after the group handed it to him.
This report was prepared after a team of five members visited West Bengal and met the cross-section of the person there.
Quoting the report, Reddy said 16 countries were influenced by violence after the poll.
“The report said that because of violence after the poll, many people had left their homes in West Bengal and had been sheltered in Assam, Jharkhand and Odisha,” he said.
According to the report, some strapped criminals, Don Mafia and criminal gangs that have been in the police record are allegedly “lead and bring deadly attacks without obstacles, (which) revealed that there was clear political protection even before the selection and the same was used to silence political rivals “.
The report claims the targeted destruction incidents and property vandalism, housing and commercial, have a single purpose to eliminate people from their livelihoods and strangle them economically.
People who are worst affected are those who depend on daily work or businesses encouraged to financial degradation and unmatched misery, claimed.
“In most cases, the victims were afraid to file a complaint with the police also for fear of retaliation or due to lack of faith in the police.” The victims who gathered courage and went to the report were rejected to resolve the problem with the culprit or was denied flatly by the police to register this case.
Many people leave their homes and villages to safer destinations and take refuge in camps inside and outside the country, “said the report.
The facts’ findings suggested that the report must be placed before the Supreme Court.
In extraordinary light.
Proof of substantial and convincing, the Supreme Court can consider using a special investigation team (sitting) immediately and monitoring its work either through the judge sitting or retired Supreme Court judges for fair investigations and early justice, the team said.
They are also recommended that the central government must start the process Discipline to the naughty officers, including the entire Indian service officer, who failed to release their duties in protecting the life and destruction of property.

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