The Committee was formed in Odisha’s guard to plan correctional steps – News2IN

The Committee was formed in Odisha’s guard to plan correctional steps

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: The Committee as part of the Government 5T (transparency, teamwork, technology, time and transformation) module, the Directorate Prison has been formed in all 87 prisons to introduce correctional reforms and prisoners.
Introductory prison supervisors, experimental area officers (RPOS) and District Experiment Officers (OPC) are part of the new committee.
“The Committee has been formed with a specific target for the next five years 2021-22.
The Committee will hold a meeting once in each quarter to formulate reform and correctional activities in their prisons.
Every prison has been suggested to develop a policy for 2021-22 by September 10.
The aim of the committee is to strengthen reforms in prisons under the Mandate 5T, “General Director (Prison and Correctional Services) Santosh Upadhyay to Tii.
Prison Deputy Inspector General (excavation) of three ranges has been asked to oversee the function of the newly formed committee.
The Directorate prison has been appointed by a head experiment officer as a nodal officer for the purpose.
Nodal officers will prepare an action plan and monitor the progress of the implementation of the suggestions provided by the Committee.
Nodal officers have been asked to submit the overall achievement of the quarterly committee to DG (Prison and Correctional Services).
Prison Directorate has also appointed Deputy Inspector General (Prison Headquarters) Subhakant Mishra as Nodal State Officer for the implementation of Transgender People (Protection of Rights) of the 2019 Law and Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rule 2020.
In the first in Odisha, the Government The recent country decided to establish a special ward for the transgender community inmates in Jhar in a special prison in the capital city.
In the second stage, the facility will be expanded to another prison in the state.
The directorate has also decided to have a special ward for detainees of the elderly court below (UTPS) and inmates in Jhar in special prisons.
Ten high security cells will be built for history-sheeters in jhar in a prison.
The prison directorate will increase the capacity of 87 prisons in the state by at least 3,000.
At present, the scheduled capacity of 87 prisons is 19,824.

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