The concept of democracy at J & K is reduced to become a local agency poll, said Dev Harsh – News2IN

The concept of democracy at J & K is reduced to become a local agency poll, said Dev Harsh

The concept of democracy at J & K is reduced to become a local agency poll, said Dev Harsh
Written by news2in

Udhampur: The recovery of democratic government in Jammu and Kashmir seems to be the last priority of the Center and the Indian Election Commission (ECI), said Chairman Harsh Dev Singh and former minister on Wednesday.
While overcoming a public meeting in the village of Thaplal and Sarsu in Ramnagar and Ghordi Blocks, Singh said, “The concept of democracy in the BJP government has been reduced to a local body poll without sincere effort to install the elected government in J & K.” “All discussions about the recovery of democracy are finally directed at what is called Panchayat and a successful city poll.” Singh said, “The BJP government has made a conditional J & K selection at the resolution of restrictions that seems to have been abundant.” “The restriction commission formed in March, 2020 with a one-year term of office only conducted one meeting with the Association member during the original period so that it requires an extension for an additional year.” “And even though the commission even consisted of the Indian main electoral commissioner visiting J & K in June to take feedback from various stakeholders who ensure the initial settlement of the process, not a word that was heard in this case from the past around three.
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JKNPP leader further said, “With ECI now concentrating on holding elections in various other countries in this country long before the end of their respective governance in it, the state of J & K which ivara loses democratic government for more than three years., Assembly It has been suspected and finally dissolved in 2018, does not seem to find the desired attention of the poll or center “body.
Singh said that while restrictions on DDC constituencies in J & K were influenced in one week with current dispensation.
, Helmsmen have failed to issue with a convincing explanation for unlimited delays in limiting assembly constituencies.
He said that with restrictions delayed and rejected, the political process had been given dies in J & K and political parties were discredited and disciplited, the hell center – bent to eliminate J & K from a democratically chosen government.
“The last election in J & K has been held in 2014, the BJP Government is still Eemed Eneming to give up power to people even after several years after a few years it gives a fatal blow to the values ​​of democracy which is immortalized in the Indian constitution.” “With uncertainty.” “With uncertainty What towering is large on the restriction of constituencies, UT from J & K is issued to be regulated by a proxy from outside the country with almost no accountability to the masses they repeat, “he added.

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