The death of the road in 2020 was the lowest in 11 years – News2IN

The death of the road in 2020 was the lowest in 11 years

Written by news2in

New Delhi: A road accident claimed about 1.32 lakh living in 2020, which was the lowest in the last 11 years.
The most lowest was 1.26 lakh in 2009.
The number of road accidents also fell to 3.66 lakh over the past year, the lowest in the last 20 years.
Sharp decline in road death and crashes mainly due to restrictions on vehicle movements during covid-induced locking throughout the country.
In 2019, around 1.51 lakh holiday was lost in a road crash in India.
Replying to the question at Lok Sabha, Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari quoted a reduction in death and said the ministry had formulated a multi-branch strategy to address road safety problems based on education, engineering and vehicles), law enforcement and emergency care.
The path of the road has witnessed the sharpest decline in the April-June quarter of 2020 calendar years when 20,732 people were killed compared with 41,032 during the same period in 2019.
Most countries were below this period.
“It only shows why we should not treat road crashes as fate.
We need to take all steps to avoid crashes, death and injury,” said Amar Sravivasatava, a member of the National Street Safety Board and the founder of Indian Young Safety Campaign.
Although the government has not come out with annual reports on road accidents and deaths in 2020, the trend shows that the number of crashes and fatal accidents increases when traffic starts back to the road.
In other steps that have been taken to pay off the deaths on the road, Gadkari told the lower building that his ministry had told “members of the Parliamentary Street Committee” in each district to promote awareness among road users under the Lok Sabha MP leadership of the district.

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