The defeat of the BJP arrogance, Rahul Gandhi proved to be true: Adhir Chowdhury about revocation of agricultural law – News2IN

The defeat of the BJP arrogance, Rahul Gandhi proved to be true: Adhir Chowdhury about revocation of agricultural law

The defeat of the BJP arrogance, Rahul Gandhi proved to be true: Adhir Chowdhury about revocation of agricultural law
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Describe the central decision to attract three agricultural laws as “defeat of BJP vanity”, Congress leader at Lok Sabha Adhir Chowdhury on Friday said the BJP government “swallowed low-hearted pie” felt the results of the upcoming assembly.
Chowdhury, also a member of the Congress Work Committee (CWC), said the senior leader of the Rahul Gandhi Party had previously estimated that the center would be forced to attract three laws, and “prophecy” had been fulfilled.
“It was indeed a historic victory for farmers.
Since independence, the country has never witnessed a massive protest by farmers.
BJP initially thought this protest would come out, because it believed that it was the only political power that was disciplined in this country.” BJP and our prime minister misread the battlefield of farmers.
This is the defeat of BJP’s pride, “Chowdhury told PTI.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced that the government had decided to revoke three agricultural laws, who were in the center of protest by farmers over the past year, and appealed to the agitator for Back home.
Hit in the BJP-led Union government, Chowdhury said, “You (BJP) summoning terrorist farmers, anti-citizen, ‘Goonda’ (thugs), and now you apologize to them.
What about the death of so many farmers? What is the answer you have for their family? “BJP was forced to attract the law because he felt unpleasant results in the upcoming Assembly poll.
They think that they might save the situation by calming the masses, but it’s too late.
You should take the right decision at the right time..
BJP now thinks this step will Helping them seal alliances with Amarinder Singh in Punjab.
“Slamming the detractors of Rahul Gandhi, Head of the West Bengal Congress further said that those who had mocked the leader, called him” Pappu “must realize that” his predictions have proven true “as the first time predicted by The center was forced to attract agricultural law.
“This is not the first time.
On many other occasions, Rahul Gandhi has been proven correct.
Whether it’s the handling of the government over the situation of Covid-19, national locking, Indian-Chinese problems or agricultural laws.
He has said in January the center will be forced to Attract the law.
He is right, “Chowdhury maintains.
Overcoming the nation on the opportunity of Teacher’s luck Nakan Jayanti, PM, at first, insisted that the law was for the benefit of farmers.
He then apologized to the people in the country for three laws, adding that the government could not convince parts of the farmers even though the liver was clear and conscience.
Hundreds of farmers have protested at the Delhi border since November last year looking for Rollback of Farmers’ producing trade and trade (promotion and facilitation), 2020, farmer agreements (empowerment and protection) on the guarantee of agricultural services and laws, 2020 and important commodities ( Amendments) ACT, 2020, in addition to new laws to guarantee MSP for plants.
The selection of assemblies in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and several other countries are scheduled to be held in the first half of 2022.

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