The design of the norm issued to assess promotion, the increase in school teachers – News2IN

The design of the norm issued to assess promotion, the increase in school teachers

The design of the norm issued to assess promotion, the increase in school teachers
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In an effort to attract talent and make a more competitive teaching profession, where salary and promotion increases will not be based on tenure or seniority, the Ministry of Education has compiled a set of guidelines to assess the professional standards of school teachers.
In accordance with the design of “national professional standards for teachers” (NPST), the assessment of professional teacher standards will be based on core values ​​and ethics that include constitutional and professional values, commitment to students and professions; Professional knowledge such as understanding of the field of study, factors that influence student learning, pedagogical knowledge, curriculum structure, use of technology and integration in education; Professional competencies and practices including learning plans, sending lessons; and professional development and growth.
To set professional standards for teachers as mandated by the 2020 National Education Policy, the National Teacher Education Council (NCTE) has been restructured as a professional standard setting body (PSSB) and is currently developing NPST.
The document imagines that teachers at all levels of school education must be vibrant, motivated, very qualified, professionally trained, well equipped and supported for their career growth.
NPST documents propose four career stages and professional standards for teachers at each stage – beginner teachers, proficient teachers, expert teachers and major teachers.
Specific competency standards for teachers have been defined in NPST to be achieved on each career stage to advance to the next stage.
Career development chart explains the journey of a teacher in six steps – aspirants, postgraduate teachers or newly qualified teachers (stage 1), proficient teachers (stage 2), specialist teachers / stage (stage 3) stage 4).
Safe! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see the results “The key to the success of the implementation of the NEP lies in the collective efficacy of the teacher.
It is important to discuss what competencies must be influenced by the profession ….
NPST will be a milestone in creating career paths for teachers from pre-teachers Service to their professional actualization, “said Ashok Pandey, Ahlcon Groups of Schoups.

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