The drone striker will be given a full reply, said Rajnath – News2IN

The drone striker will be given a full reply, said Rajnath

The drone striker will be given a full reply, said Rajnath
Written by news2in

Kanpur: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said here on Monday that “the country is truly safe and the Indian army has the power to face any challenges”.
“We want to convince citizens that this country is truly safe.
Whatever the challenge that happens, our troops have the power to deal with it,” he said while talking to reporters at the Nawaboj Bird Sanctuary Guest House in Unnao.
Regarding the recent attack at the air transport station in Jammu by armed drones as a ‘cowardice’, he said, “the attackers will be immediately given a full answer.” The Defense Minister also claimed, “Prospective candidates supported by BJP conducted in the election of the Panchayat district that had just been held, no one could stop the party from forming another government in the state in 2022.” Then, answering reporters at the Kanpur on Rashtriya Swayamsevak’s statement recently Sangh Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat that Hindus and Muslim shared the same DNA, he said, “We talked about ‘Sabka and Sabka Vikas’ (everyone’s support, everyone’s development ).
BJP never talks about Hinduism.
“On the problem of religious conversion, the defense minister said anyone who was guilty would not be spared.
“Some people do politics fear, but they will not be able to succeed in any way,” he said.
When he was asked about the need for a third surgical strike to teach lessons to Pakistan, he said that the army was alert.
Singh discussed the media to reach his ‘Teacher’ house, Santosh Dwivedi in Dayar Dham, Shyamnagar in the Chake area, where he went to duration mark the death of Dwivedi Dwivedi’s wife.

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