Hyderabad: Covaxin the first Covid-19 vaccine developed by original India as a whole of 77.8% effective against Covid-19 and 65.2% effective against the deadly Delta variant (B.1.617.2), the developer Bharat Biotech said on Saturday , Reveal the results of the final analysis of the phase III’s efficacy test conducted at 25,800 participants, said Bharat Biotech while Covaxin 93.4% was effective against severe simptomatic Covid-19, he offered protection of 63.6% against the Asimptomatic Covid-19.
The company said it arrived at the overall efficacy rate of 77.8% after the evaluation of 130 cases confirmed by Covid-19 among the participants, which included 24 participants who had received vaccines and 106 who had received placebo shots.
Bharat Biotech also said Covaxin was well tolerated with a data security monitoring board that did not report safety issues related to the vaccine.
“Safety analysis showed that reported side effects similar to placebo, with 12% of subjects that experienced general side effects known and less than 0.5% of the subject felt serious side effects.
The overall level of side effects observed in the Covaxin was lower than the visible In other Covid-19 vaccines, “he said.
The company also said Covaxin was the first to report a promising efficacy of asymptomatic infections based on QPCR testing which would help reduce disease transmission.
“No licensed SARS-COV vaccine has reported efficacy of asymptomatic infections in randomized controlled trials, based on QPCR testing,” he said the final result of the Phase-III trial was also uploaded on Medrxiv, a server that brought the preprecide of research work before peer -Review.
Commenting on the results, Chairman of Bharat Biotech and Managing Director Dr.
Krishna Ella said: “Safety and efficacy reading from Covaxin establishes the ability of India and develops world countries to focus on innovation and product development.
We are proud to state that innovation from India will now be available To protect the global population.
“He said Covaxin has been specifically designed to meet the needs of global distribution chains, more important requirements in low and medium-sized income countries.
Has been formulated to enable long-term delivery and storage at 2-8ºC and to comply with multi-dose bottled policies, thereby reducing the waste of open vial, saving money to the procurement and government institutions, he added.
Balram Bhargava, Secretary of the Ministry of Health Research & Director General of Indian Medical Research (ICMR), said: “I am happy to note that Covaxin, developed by ICMR and BBIL under an effective public private partnership, has been indicated by the overall efficacy of 77.8% in The largest covid phase 3 clinical trial in India so far.
Our scientists at ICMR and BBIL have worked tirelessly to provide the highest international standard vaccine that is truly effective.
“Bhargava said Covaxin would not only benefit Indian citizens but also very contributing to Protect the global community against deadly SARS-COF-2 viruses.
“I am also happy to see that Covaxin works well on all types of SARS-COV-2 strains.
The success of Covaxin’s development has consolidated the position of the Indian academics and industry in the global arena,” Bhargava said.