The everyday case ’22 -25K in the state by Jan-End ‘ – News2IN

The everyday case ’22 -25K in the state by Jan-End ‘

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: New positive cases in the state on Thursday passed 10,000 (10,059) for the first time in more than seven months since May 26 even when the active case touched 44,000.
Everyday cases are projected to touch 22,000 to 25,000 at the end of the month which will likely be the peak of the infection here.
Network Intelligence Center, Indian Science Institute, Indian Statistics Institute, Bengaluru (IISC-IIS model), all have estimated that the country will see the peak of the case between January-end and the first week of February.
This country will see the covid wave peak which is ongoing later this month with nine lakhs up to 10 lakh cases a day, they say.
Taking January 2 as a ‘time zero’, the model that these institutions base their predictions, indicating that everyday cases can rise to 25,000, taking into account the vulnerability of 100% of the population.

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