The exception of US humanity about Afghan sanctions is blocked by China – News2IN

The exception of US humanity about Afghan sanctions is blocked by China

The exception of US humanity about Afghan sanctions is blocked by China
Written by news2in

The United Nations, United States: China, supported by Russia, blocked US concept resolution Monday on the UN Security Council which will provide a system for human exception to economic sanctions controlled by the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
“They want to removal” from a resolution paragraph that allows the sanctions committee responsible for Afghanistan to provide “asset release” if it considers that “such neglect is needed to facilitate further assistance to Afghanistan,” said AFP diplomat with anonymity requirements.
China, “which opposes in principle for sanctions,” is “to the mechanism of the case-per case exception,” another diplomat was confirmed.
“Humanitarian assistance and life-saved assistance must be able to reach out of Afghans without obstacles,” said UN Ambassador China Zhang Jun in a tweet Monday.
“Conditions or limits made artificially unacceptable.” Washington hopes for approval on Monday their design by 14 other members of the Security Council, so they can put it on voting on Tuesday, a diplomatic source said.
“At present there are no exceptions of humanity from the sanctions regime” imposed on the Taliban in 2015 and for aid workers to “carry out financial transactions with the Ministry led by people who sanctions will violate sanctions,” said a diplomat.

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