The first ‘water +’ status for letters – News2IN

The first ‘water +’ status for letters

The first 'water +' status for letters
Written by news2in

Letter: Following his best practice inheritance, Diamond City has added another feather to the lid after bagging water + certification in managing waste water.
As part of the Swachh Bharat (SBM) mission certification has been given to the city by the Ministry of Housing Union and is the only city in the state to get it.
Only the cities declared ODF ++ (free defecation) are eligible to qualify to qualify to qualify to qualify to qualify.
for this certification.
SBM + water certification is given to a city to achieve a safe sustainable sanitation parameter for all by ensuring that no untreated wastewater is released into an open environment.
“This award will further accelerate the city growth engine,” Banchhanidhi Pani said, the city commissioner of the city.
According to the definition of SBM for water status + water, a city gets all wastewater released from households, commercial companies, waterways, etc.
are treated with satisfactory levels (according to CPCB norms), before releasing it to the environment.
Furthermore, not only adequate capacity of wastewater and waste treatment facilities are sure, but infrastructure must also be maintained properly while ensuring recovery costs through wastewater recycling treated ensuring sustainability, he states.
SMC scored 100 percent in waste disposal that was safe from public and household toilets and sewer cleaning and septic tank which was safe both manually and through mechanical equipment.
It also scores the highest value in adequate care capacity of waste treatment plants and also for operational efficiency, and cleans the septic tank.
SMC also gets full value for operating costs and maintenance network sewers and treatment plants.

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