The flood that hit North Turkey left 6 people dead, 1 lost – News2IN

The flood that hit North Turkey left 6 people dead, 1 lost

The flood that hit North Turkey left 6 people dead, 1 lost
Written by news2in

Ankara: Severe flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rain in North Turkey have left at least six dead and other people missing, the presidency of disaster and the country’s emergency management said Thursday.
Floods beat the Bartin Black Sea Coast Province, Kastamonu, Sinop and Samsun on Wednesday, destroying homes and bridges and sweeping the car.
The helicopter rushed to save people stranded on the roof.
The disaster was hit when firefighters in Southwest Turkey worked to extinguish the fire in Mugla Province, the area popular with tourists who ran along the Aegean Sea.
Blaze, which is controlled on Thursday, is one of more than 200 forest fires in Turkey since July 28.
At least eight countless people and animals died and thousands of residents had to escape from malignant blazes.
When the floods began to recede across the affected areas in North Turkey, a statement from the presidency of disaster and emergency management, or AFAD, said the savior had restored six bodies in Kastamonu and still looking for one missing person in Bartin.
Not immediately clear whether they are expected to find more bodies at home or vehicles.
The worst area seems to be in Kastamonu, where flooded most of the bozkurt city.
One building collapsed and the second building was damaged in the city, the government managed anadolu institution reported.
In Bartin Province, at least 13 people were injured when the bridge was surrendered.
The Turkish army helicopter raised 80 people to a safe place in the region, the military said.
Many affected areas are left without power and village roads are blocked.
The Turkish Black Sea region is often shocked by heavy rain and flash floods.
Climate scientists say there is little doubt that climate change from coal combustion, oil and natural gas encourage more extreme events, such as heat waves, droughts, forest fires, floods and storms.
The disaster is expected to occur more often on our warming planet.

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