The government announced the initial MSP for rabbi plants in an effort to calm agricultural protests – News2IN

The government announced the initial MSP for rabbi plants in an effort to calm agricultural protests

The government announced the initial MSP for rabbi plants in an effort to calm agricultural protests
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In the earliest announcement of the minimum support price (MSP) for Rabbi results in recent years, the cabinet on Wednesday approved the price of six plant support with the highest percentage increase (8.6%) to Mustard and Rapeseed (2)%) For the marketing season starting April 1 next year.
The underlying message in the MSP increase is to encourage farmers to choose plant diversification and increase the production of oil seeds.
The initial announcement was also seen as an effort to send a positive signal to the farm union in Punjab, Haryana and Western Agitating on agricultural laws interpreted by them as referred to in the end to end the MSP regime.
Increased wheat, although small, took MSP to Rs 2,015 quintals and reflected the overall higher support that cereal, along with rice, has been received under the procurement system.
Although the six rabbi plants have a MSP increase compared to the previous year, an analysis of increased production costs, however, showed a negative refund in the case of wheat and wheat in absolute requirements.
The estimated increase in wheat production costs and barley is Rs 48 per quintal each of the previous years, but the increase in MSP each is Rs 40 per quintal and RS 35 per quintal, for the marketing season of Rabi 2022-23.
At the same time, the refund of production costs will be 100% for wheat and 60% for wheat.
The highest increase in mustard and radish is, on the other hand, synchronous with the increasing focus of the government in grain oil to reduce the dependence of the state on imports.
Similarly, a good increase in MSP Lentils (Masur) also reflects credit priority, price increases that always cause heartburn among consumers.
The MSP announcement gives a signal to farmers in front of the sower season so they can make the right choice of plants and choose diversification first.
MSP and higher procurement has also been quoted by the government as evidence of the central commitment to both of them along with higher investments in Mandis.
“Everyone who has spread misleading information must receive messages from the announcement.
MSP and plant procurement levels with continuous increase in support after the enactment of agricultural laws,” Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said.
He also marked the guarantee of Prime Minister Narendra Modi about this problem, said MSP was very much there and will continue.
“There should be no doubt about the fate of MSP in anyone’s mind,” Tomar said.
Past recording shows that the center never made the MSP announcement for rabbi plants as early as the first half of September when even sowing Kharif (summer) plant operations continued in certain areas.
Except last year, when it was announced a day after passing controversial agricultural bills in parliament on September 21, the announcement was made in October or later in November or December.
After being announced late until almost the end of the sow of sowing rabbi on January 29, 2009 during the UPA-i.

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