The government proposes a mechanism to ensure immediate medical assistance for those who are injured on the road crash – News2IN

The government proposes a mechanism to ensure immediate medical assistance for those who are injured on the road crash

New Delhi: Planning for the launch of the Nationwide of the cash treatment of victims of road accidents, the Ministry of Road Transportation has now issued a draft notice of the mechanism to ensure immediate medical treatment until the conditions of injured people stabilize.
This center will regulate motor vehicle accident funds, which will have components to provide medical assistance to victims affected by uninsured vehicles and where vehicles cannot be traced.
According to the concept of notification issued by the Ministry of Road Transportation, the funds to pay medical treatment for road accident victims will come from various sources such as toll costs collected by the central government to use national highways, through budget grants from Indian consolidated funds and fines collected from contractors , the penalty was imposed on the highway designer and the authorities found responsible for errors in design, construction and maintenance of roads which resulted in crashes.
Different studies have shown that fast medical care can help save 50% of life on Jalan Crash.
Every year, almost 1.5 lakh people die in the road crash and the other 5 lakh are left injured.
The National Health Authority (NHA) will be an execution institution to implement a cash without cash, which was introduced in the 2019 motor vehicle amendment law.
NHA has associated in considering its expertise in dealing with health facilities throughout the country.
In accordance with the draft rules, where insured vehicles are involved in an accident, insurance companies will bear the cost of treatment.
“We need to find a solution to help victims in a hit case and run or where the vehicle is not insured.
So, in those cases, the government will bear the burden.
The number of approved claims must be disbursed by the appointed body.
If inside The case of accidents involving uninsured vehicles, the vehicle was nabbed and negligence was established, vehicle owners had to pay for the costs incurred by the government, “said a source.

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